All-Ireland Senior Football Championship 2016 You Are What You Eat

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He is right.

And he definitely looks in here.

Isn’t this what the last version of the Tommy Murphy cup was based on before it was scrapped? Its not a new suggestion.

Just revisiting this again.

I read that Connacht teams spent €3.8m on their county teams last year. Presumably this was primarily with Mayo. That seems extortionate, how much money are they fucking at this team of losers down there?

And remember most of those are single code counties! I imagine travel expenses add up when you have lads coming from Dublin for all teams there as well. And Mayo have a Kerry coach, more expenses, but still! Of course they no doubt have all sorts of charlatans employed in the back room teams. I saw one Shitzgibbon team for example, had their “kit man” named in the backroom team, FFS!

Safe to say Galway aren’t spending much, nor Leitrim or Sigo. As stated before here, Roscommon are said to be “going all in” on their current side, I would suspect no expense will be spared there either.

Whether the €3.8 relates just to the senior football team spending or all teams across all codes is not specific from the article but you’d attribute most of that to Mayo.

In the article posted above re Tyrone’s expenses for 2015. It worked out at about €685k for all teams across all codes last year factoring in exchange rates and the lot.

If you apportion the 3.8m over the 6 teams including London, the average is 633k. And as you said that I’m sure it was a pittance being spent on Sligo, Leitrim and London. Aren’t Mayo Co Board hugely in debt? How can they afford this huge level of spending?

High profile backroom team members from all corners of the country this year.

Does the Tyrone figure include Club Tyrone money?

Club Tyrone money is fundraising money that’s used to service the Garvaghey debt as far as I know.

Surely some of it goes into team preparation though? Its been running for sometime now. I’m not knocking it, its an outstanding set up they have with it.

Maybe it does, I’m not sure but it does primarily go toward repaying Garvaghey. Tyrone are very well ran on a financial aspect at county board level, they operate on a budget within reason whereas counties like Mayo seem to be throwing money away that they don’t have.


From the information there and my rather amateur reading of financial statements, our repayments of Garvaghey exceeded Club Tyrone income in 2014.

Thats interesting. I presume “Garvaghey Patrons” are a group of rich folk who are just donating giant sums yearly out of their own decency?

In Laois we call them the Leinster Council.

5k over 5 years.

Fair going. What do they get, a keyring, car sticker and a photo op with Mickey*?

*Mickey Harte, not CMcC.

I get a car sticker for being a member of Club Deise.

They’re gipping you Fagan, I get a car sticker, and a wallet and a keyring. Outstanding value.

Sorry I meant to say I get a fridge magnet as well.

Each Garvaghey Patron will:

• Be publicly acknowledged and honoured part of the fabric of the Garvaghey building
• Have the opportunity for five years to buy two tickets for every all-ticket game involving Tyrone County Senior teams
• Be presented with a unique Garvaghey Patron polo shirt
• Receive a Garvaghey Patron’s card entitling them to free admission for five years to every game controlled by the Tyrone County GAA Committee
• Receive a personalised plaque marking their contribution.