All-Ireland Senior Football Championship 2016 You Are What You Eat

Leitrim will take them.

What would have happened had they lost? Would the qualifiers still be an avenue for them?

Anyone who wants to watch it back here

Some crack

NY don’t do qualifiers

Thank fuck we weren’t gonna be beaten by New York aswell.

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Would Roscommon have remained in the qualifiers had they lost this evening?

They could very well do. Leitrim never feared Roscommon.

there was a bit of debate about this a few years back when they ran galway close, iirc the team that loses this tie is out, no qualifiers. the cut throat connacht championship.

Is this game in carrick DB

NY dont do qualifiers. They’re gone.

Is this game in carrick DB

no, as they won they are allowed through to the next round. its a crazy system i know.

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NY I meant

@myboyblue will be along any second now in a smug tone disputing that this is always the case.

That right

yep they are gone. this has always been the case, as mentioned above they don’t have the ability to leave and return, thanks to bin laden.

You were nearly totally vindicated

The boys will be heroes in NY tonight. A ticker tape parade tomorrow surely.

And next week they’ll be back to kicking the absolute shit out of each other

Not much gets by Des tbf

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Oh he’s priceless alright