All-Ireland Senior Football Championship 2016 You Are What You Eat

Over a hundred thousand were willing to shell of €80 a head . There is way way too much money in the country.

And what is O’Connor doing?

What a bad strange game. Mayo blue their chance

Mate you clearly know a lot about football but your bias against Mayo means I can’t take you seriously when they’re playing

Carney is an incoherent oul bastard, his nadir in that half was when he called for a Dublin player to be black carded even though he was fouled.


My missus says that. Try and find something different to say will ya?

I like “fuck off you stupid cunt” or something to that effect.

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On what planet are Mayo playing well? They’ve scored 5 points

It’s god awful dirge. Reaffirms my view this Dublin side most overrated bunch I’ve ever seen. Wouldn’t hold a candle to the Tyrone or Kerry sides of a decade ago.


His bias against anyone not Tyrone/Armagh really.

Its not exactly all just being unlucky when you allow the other team to get the ball in space about 5 yards out from goal

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Brolly can’t control his laughter.

That handicapped looking cunt
Brolly sneering and skitting deserves a skull cracking nose obliterating headbut the family abandoning cunt.

Cribbing about O’Shea when he hasn’t even been spoken to after making about 10 fouls.

Mayo forwards cynically foul again and again without censure.

Who was meant to be marking Fenton? Is it Parsons?

Being taken out of the movement of play

Usually it’s Ulster but he fucking hates Mayo for some bizarre reason. What do you think Kev, black card or no, is the black only for certain offences, would a yellow have been more appropriate?

O’Connor was squaring up to meet a lad with a shoulder who didn’t have the ball.

I don’t know how he was taken out of the movement of play.

Mother Theresa earning a few bob on Sky Super Sunday there. Legendary Dub fan my hole.

they are a horrible shower of cunts, anyone who likes Mayo is odd


Don’t forget roscommon as well

Only Mayo could fuck up like this. Brolly is right.