All-Ireland Senior Football Championship 2016 You Are What You Eat

I would say losing every kickout for the last 20 minutes is probably a bigger problem

Need this.

Free in Fermanagh. Chance to go ahead again.

Very soft free

Nice to get one all the same.

Evan Regan is not very good on the evidence I’ve seen.

7 or 8 more and it will be even.

62 mins
Fermanagh 1-12 Mayo 1-11

Weak, weak refereeing by Joe McQuillan.

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Swan like form O’Shea.

This is deporable

Penalty Mayo.

O’Shea dives the cheating cunt.



That’s as bad a dive as I’ve ever seen to win a penalty in GAA.

The GAA should retrospectively punish that cunt on video evidence for that fuck acting. Scandalous behaviour.

Deplorable. Absolutely horrific refereeing.

Diving cheating cunt :laughing:

Terrible refereeing

That is desperate. He should be banned.

A Tyrone player got lambasted last year for falling to the ground… This is as bad.