All Tomorrow's Parties

Here follows a very long post of complete shite that is a mishmash of scattered thoughts on the state of the modern world. @Locke and @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy should stop reading now as there will be no bullet points. In fact no one should really read this as it’s not that coherent.

If we start by agreeing that humans are completely driven by the pursuit of meaning – Insofar that we need to derive meaning in all we do and in what others do. Then meaning is the very fabric of the human journey through life. It consumes us and all we do.

What then does God mean? And how have we killed him?

Those familiar with philosophy, and particularly existential writers – will know the workings of Nietzsche and this famous quote of his. Within this quote, Nietzsche wasn’t celebrating the death of God as is often mistakenly perceived by the uninitiated, but rather, he is lamenting the loss of God in the human psyche. I’ve personally been a critic of religion for a long time – an angry critic at times – but religion, and the human corruption of it, versus God, are in many respects completely different things and while I’m still very much a non-believer I have come to appreciate the value of God.

To me, God is (a form of) meaning. And in many ways he is happiness.

By this I mean – God is outwardly. God gives us a creation story. A morality to follow. God binds us to each other. And God provides an end game. Thus, God gives meaning.

The solace taken from this must be immense and it’s a very important part of the human psyche – we need a God – but not necessarily the dogma of the church.

Without God – how do we find meaning? Where do we begin? – The answer of course is within. We have replaced this outward theology with an inward monologue that essentially equates to narcissism. We have essentially made ourselves God. We are the start and end of everything.

If you’ve read this far you’re wondering what fucking auld shite am I talking at all … so I’ll try get to the long winded point

The modern western world is completely fractured – there’s little to no social or political cohesion – the far right, far left, near east, trans rights, nazis, fascists, immigants , Trump, Musk, climate…… they’re all evil and trying to kill the world. Enemies everywhere on every side… and the internet- let’s not forget the internet.

To me – these bogey men are just symptoms. Symptoms of a sick society. And the disease is narcissism.

If we return to our starting point – we are all driven by meaning- I think it’s fair to say these bogey men named above and people’s descent down various holes (to the right/left) – is essentially a search for meaning. But when meaning is turned inwards (narcissism) then our view on life (morality) depends on what makes you (the individual) feel pleasure or pain. While it’s nothing new to proclaim humans seek pleasure – I’m talking about something deeper than hedonism here – I’m on about the spirit within. Life force. Chi. Where once a strong sense of objective moral fortitude guided society (not saying it was always correct) , this now has been reduced to individuals basing morality on what makes them feel good. – I don’t have to spell out the issue with millions of people working off a completely individualized sense of how the world should work.

This hasn’t just happened over night by the by … society has been trending this way for hundreds of years. The reformation and the arrival of a more personal relationship with god was very much a breaking point in western society and it paved the spiritual way for individualism. The advent of capitalism was obviously another huge moment. Individuals having to make contracts to sustain themselves completely transformed the western mind. Where in Asia and Africa it was about the family, clan, tribe … westerners now stood outside the gaze of the unit. In doing so we created guilt, a completely western condition that show’s the leap inwards. In traditional societies they feel shame, not guilt – guilt is for individuals. And obviously, more recently technology has played a big part.

The Therapeutic Society.

One recent phenomenon that has also aided the fractured individualized world we live in, and our narcissism, is the therapeutic. From about the 60s on society has become this self help, get fit, power of now, be kind, vegan eating therapeutic society. It’s a culture that espouses empowerment – betterment - but at it’s core it’s really self-centered nonsense. By this I mean everything has been rendered to how we feel – the value of everything is derived from the psychological. Oh we cant teach about slavery because it’s uncomfortable. Oh we cant deny that people can be born in the wrong body because that will upset people. Oh poor Sean cant take his big test because his mental health is at him.

And this is the problem when we’ve kilt god (or the value systems associated with God). Where there was clear right and right and guilt – now it’s about removing all level of pain for individuals. It’s not what you learned, it’s how it made you feel. Which again adds to this state of individualism. And in the therapeutic and the removal of pain , we don’t get absolution, we get cancel culture because our morality is based on pleasure - therefore we want to disappear anything that causes discomfort - guilt.

Fucking mental health being the biggest cod of the lot in this therapeutic – what the fuck is mental health? How do you measure it? – It’s not like bone health, or blood health- or whatever. It’s a bogus term being bandied about by absolute charlatans who want to profiteer. They push this bollox of removing suffering – and when I say suffering I mean every day simple stuff – Breakups, exams, interviews, conflict … the everyday stuff that causes stress but also, and more importantly, builds resilience. It stifles all kinds of adult sensible debate. It’s essentially wokeness – a term I don’t like to use. But this mental health lark also actually destroys the ability to determine proper instances of mental health. It has created a society that screams and has little to no resilience and as a result has clogged up resources dedicated to people who genuinely suffer mental health. We’ve created a narcissism pandemic by pandering to the individual– not a mental health one as is often proclaimed by the likes of Jeffery and co.

But Nietzsche nailed all this too – in his writings on Morality he said that all of life is a will to power. Desire to dominate others, the world and our life as a whole. We are all trying to harness power in our own way – he argues you should seize the day and crush your enemies and hear the lamentations of their women before you – this is the part the Nazis party largely jumped upon.

But when challenged on the stoic Christian who turns the other cheek and still loves their enemy instead of crushing them– Nietzsche asserts this is a subversive will to power – or slave morality. Basically, in the face of the system that you cant control you subvert the powerful (master) by shaming them – and you do this by embracing your oppression to guilt them (slave morality)…… The modern world is absolutely laden with this carry on. Everyone is a victim – everyone is oppressed. They spend hours screaming into the void about their oppressions and some even have a splattering of various flags on display just so you really know their oppression. #Trans #Ukraine #Disability #Single Mom #aspergers — and this isn’t all left leaning. The other cunt bags are at it too - #Soros #Immigrants #Irelandsfull #Roderic. And when you think of the therapeutic , which was largely born out of 60s counter culture and ‘spirituality’ – tossing away the beliefs of their parents and the state – it’s very much an expression of the slave morality – unable to break the system, their will to power becomes subversive which turns inwards and leads to narcissism and wokeness.

Wokeness is how we lash out at the world because we cant make it bend to our individual narcissistic needs. – The far right headbangerism is no different (obviously we must recognize there are some proper hateful bastards here too)

End game.

I think we are all a little guilty of the above but there’s some way in over their heads. They are locked in an eternal search for meaning – arguing endlessly online – constantly screaming to have their world view met and more detrimentally, constantly evolving oppressions. And when your main criteria for meaning is your oppressions then this leads to an ever moving descent into the abyss as you and your oppressions become more and more individual - ‘what do you mean you are metoo, pro trans, support Ukraine but are anti Israel?’ – and onwards the people’s front of Judea goes until you have completely eaten yourself and your sanity. Thus, the end goal is– madness.

How we make the move back to an outwardly sense of the world and away from this inward narcissism is beyond me. There’s lots of things pushing us to be fractured and individual. Technology and corporate capitalism being the two biggest drivers – they are one and the same I suppose. This is why all you fellow corporate whores have so much ‘diversity’ pushed on you. And of course oppression. Last summer we had some some speaker in during black awareness or gender equality or whatever – who proclaimed she was listed in the top 100 of minority women in business under 30 or some utter bollox like that. ……Here are my oppressions but I can still succeed by obeying totally corporate culture. This eats away at all levels of society whether we realize it or not. Your influencers and onlyfans all fall under this umbrella whether they realize it or not – meaning is profit and likes and attention.

I’m not saying there’s a conspiracy with Soros or individuals at the centre of it – but it’s clear that corporate capitalism is beset on destroying the family unit. It’s one key element of what corporatism is at when pushing the diversity and minority agenda. It’s to fracture society totally so that households are even competing and become a set of individual consumers – not a unit. This is fascinating insofar as it was the advent of the family unit as we know it that western capitalism sprang from. The move away from the clan and tribe into individuals making contracts for their family to survive was the beginning of capitalism. And it frequently was a family affair for the most part…. Now the last great obstacle to squeeze more from people is that family. We don’t want cohesion in a home – we want mom and dad competing for work. We want the kids locked in to their devices with head phones on and we want two television houses so mom and dad can binge on Netflix and sports cc @Massey …… while that’s a fairly anemic example, you get my drift. This is why corporates are the biggest donors to research on gender ideology – it’s espouses the idea that we can be and do what we want to be. There’s no reality except the one you create yada yada yada … which is complete and utter bollox to anyone with a brain. Of course – we cant say that because it upsets people. The party line is that we are all individual special little flowers who can be anything they want and the world should accept that (until reality comes knocking)

I’m not really too familiar with Marxist theory but with the world slowly moving towards a handful of big corporations controlling everything and the complete deterioration of social cohesion including the family – then we must be nearing the final stages of capitalism?

This is why now more than ever there needs to be strong governance first and foremost– Humans need leadership. Security and true freedom exists in a society that has well defined rules and laws. Our soft cock leadership in recent years – more interested in internet likes and not offending – is counterproductive and aiding the deterioration of society . Pandering to people’s oppressions and their narcissism only moves society further towards the abyss…. it was extremely encouraging to read the Australian gov’s bold move recently to try ban social media for kids. It’s more of this we need. We need to establish our humanity. Humanity wont be found on X or instasnaps. Humanity is outwards – not inwards. Humanity is largely based in reality. But I’ve also come to respect that humanity also lies in God*. Which might contradict the last point but humans are absolutely designed to believe in a God – otherwise they just make themselves God.

Thank you for not reading.

*I’m not necessarily saying the God of any particular church here, just something higher than us– it can be the sun for all I care.


Can you put it through chatgpt please mate and ask it to summarise?


PM me your login and I’ll try

The post critiques modern society’s shift from collective meaning to individual narcissism, rooted in the decline of traditional belief systems like religion. Drawing from Nietzsche’s philosophy, the author laments the loss of “God” as a source of meaning, which has been replaced by inward-focused ideologies. This has led to fractured social cohesion, where morality is personalized and pleasure-driven, fostering societal polarization and victimhood culture. The rise of the therapeutic mindset, emphasizing emotional comfort over resilience, exacerbates this narcissism, blurring genuine mental health concerns.

Capitalism and technology, the author argues, amplify individualism by undermining traditional family and community structures, transforming people into isolated consumers. They criticize corporate diversity agendas as tools for fragmentation and question whether society is nearing the “final stages” of capitalism. Advocating for stronger governance and outward-focused values, the author suggests humanity must rediscover collective meaning, possibly through belief in something greater than oneself, even if not tied to organized religion.

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Make up a fictional Irish character who might have wrote this

Name: Ciarán O’Sullivan

Age: 38

Hometown: Galway, Ireland

Occupation: Philosophy Lecturer and Freelance Writer

Personality: Ciarán is a fiercely intellectual and opinionated man with a sharp tongue and a deep distrust of modern societal trends. He often balances a nostalgic yearning for traditional values with a biting critique of institutional religion and politics. He’s a contrarian by nature, delighting in challenging mainstream ideas, and frequently debates his friends in Galway’s local pubs over pints of Guinness.

Background: Born to a working-class family, Ciarán excelled academically, earning a scholarship to study philosophy at Trinity College Dublin. Influenced by Nietzsche, Dostoevsky, and Irish literary giants like Joyce and Yeats, his worldview is a patchwork of existential musings and Irish cultural pride.

Beliefs: A self-proclaimed atheist with a grudging appreciation for the societal role of religion, Ciarán despises what he views as the “narcissism pandemic” in modern Western culture. He’s critical of capitalism, woke culture, and what he perceives as a lack of resilience in younger generations.


Regularly quotes Nietzsche in casual conversation.

Writes lengthy, impassioned essays on obscure forums under pseudonyms.

Keeps a collection of old Irish proverbs and uses them to illustrate his points.

Hobbies: Hiking in Connemara, reading dense philosophical texts, writing opinion pieces, and debating anyone willing to engage in spirited conversation.

Motivation for Writing the Post: Ciarán sees himself as a modern-day Cassandra, warning of societal collapse while believing few will listen. His post is less about persuading others and more about venting his frustration and organizing his own thoughts in a world he finds increasingly fragmented and chaotic.


Maybe i should have sent this to you to edit mate :clap:

Fuck out if it Ciaran, you needy cunt


No bother sully

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Have you taken mushrooms or something

Sully sounds like a clever version of @Kyle

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The unexamined life is not worth living.

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It’ll be amusing how posters twist this to suit their worldview.

Great post Kieran

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Now back to the Man U thread, where another existential crisis continues.

YARN | Friedrich Nietzsche. Next. | A Fish Called Wanda (1988) | Video clips by quotes | 34ffd14c | 紗

thanks mate

Saw a documentary on something similar to this which equated the decline of the USA to the decline of clubs and associations in favour of individualism

Sully is like a polished intelligent & likable version of @Kyle

Split season?


Think of the environmental damage all that Chat GPTing is doing. Do better pal.

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Did yiu hear the good news about the ivf cow?

That’s a different kind of AI (artificial insemination) pal.

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