Allianz Hurling League 2019

Shoddy effort
cc @Fagan_ODowd

Two strong teams named, good for POL & Mala to get another runout.

Cairde Loch Garman members have received our starting line up for Sunday. This probably won’t be posted on twitter and Facebook for another 40 minutes or so.

Cairde Loch Garman members have received our starting line up for Sunday. This probably won’t be posted on twitter and Facebook for another 40 minutes or so.

I’ll say nothing if you’ll say nothing

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They don’t do Kilkenny teams like they used to.

Should be a big crowd in Ennis on Sunday.
12k im predicting, all born in Limerick of course.


Not much ballwinning ability in that half-forward line. Or much height at all.

Are they operating a Cork-esque puckout strategy at the moment?

Wexford will batter us down there. A young vulnerable Kilkenny team just ripe for the picking.
Davy should throw off the shackles.

We got it the first time🤷‍♂️

Master stroke from Davy, Jack Guiney starting full forward.

What kind of enforcement is there to stop a member or members leaking sensitive team information 45 minutes before it was due and this giving the opposition an extra few minutes to counteract the latest Davy masterstroke?

Hoping Collins might have replaced Nash- complete different style

Long term? Collins was solid last week, caught one lovely ball that was landing over the bar, but Nash has a huge advantage as regards the restarts, I wouldn’t be angling for his replacement yet.

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Just league to gauge how he handles real pressure , personally I think Nash makes some pretty poor decisions,and his short puck outs have cost us- I’m not an expert by any stretch but that’s my call on it

Id say thats actually one area collins potentially has an edge. His puckouts are unreal. Completely different style to Nash he drives them with lower trajectory he is laser accurate. Needs time to build up that understanding at county level though he will be a great replacement in a few years


My point exactly but better put

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Informative, I haven’t seen Collins much but I didn’t think his puckouts were particularly impressive last week, I felt that the movement from the Cork forwards wasn’t as impressive as it has been, perhaps holding something in reserve for May.

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Pitch inspection in Walsh Park now.