Allianz National Football League 2022

Dublin look completely out of attacking ideas. Mayo should push on and win this by seven or eight if they want to.

Dublin appear to be quite lucky Mayo aren’t very good

Dessie needs to whip Howard

Big aimless hoof from Brian Howard there

Horan needs to get Aido on.

Neither of these teams will be within an asses roar of an All Ireland this year

Oisin Mullin’s ankle is gone. If Mayo didn’t have bad luck they’d have no luck at all.

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Wonder what Dessie is listening to on his earpiece?
Maybe 98fm or q102


This fella looks fair gormless

They will each be in semi final

Maybe a provincial

‘You’re a neat guy. You’re a love machine’

Pity Brian Moore isn’t on hand to commentate on that moment of bonhomie between Brian Fenton and Matthew Ruane. Oul’ Brian loved that stuff.

14 men inside the 45 and you do that?!

The big dog enters.

They went for the juggler.

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Sorry. The Bugler.

As long as Ryan O’Donoghue is on the field Dublin have a chance

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Aido looks incredibly lean

Michael Plunkett is the new Leeroy