Allianz National Football League 2023

They’ve vacated that space around the D on numerous occasions but haven’t really made any decent attempt at trying to penetrate into that area.

It’s very lateral and the off-the-ball movement in front of the player in possession is fairly predictable. Ethan Doherty and Brendan Rodgers have been the best in that sense but Dublin have moved the ball with a lot more purpose. Even when they are being patient, they have taken the man on at times, and pushed Derry back, allowing handier scores when the ball is recycled.

They’ll need to do that if they want to win this.

Cora wearing a pair of shoes like 90 year Sr. Teresa would wear at morning mass in the convent chapel

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Where’s Hercules?

Bit better from Derry in an attacking sense already, moving the ball much quicker, a lot more direct.

Might leave themselves more open at the back though if they do push on.

That’s superb from McKinless to puncture the hole.


First Dublin kickout that Derry have won? Leads to a score.

That was a smashing point. Gave the Dublin lad a lollipop

Some score from the sub, McWilliams.

It’s a great contest

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Does Gallagher know he’s not catching the next ball - why’s he spitting on the hands

Was that an indirect free for Derry or why did they not score it?

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Textbook tackle

Some very soft frees been given …

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Kilkenny passing up a handy goal there to fist it over. Unlike him. Woolie will be irate

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Angle was tight enough

Costello was wide open to his left.

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Youd hope @glasagusban is watching

That was a lovely pass from Doherty (?) for Derry

Fitzsimons very lucky not to get booked there.