Allianz National Football League 2024

Cutbush is a rare spot down that neck of the woods

Honourable mention to the lads from the meat factories too , them lads are well able to throw down if need arises .

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Why are Derry always playing in red now @glenshane ?The white and red was much nicer.

It’s an abomination. They should be ashamed of themselves

You Cunt

I didn’t think it possible but the quality of goalkeeping has actually gotten worse since they did away with actual goalkeepers

Down v Roscommon will be a fine Division 2 final pairing in 2025.

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I don’t like it one bit

Wonderful palmed Dublin goal there. The best type of goal.

Throw ball

Not related to a throw

Tis. Both hands moved and no clear striking action. That’s the current status.

Keep crying

You go your way, I go my way

no more, no more.

Kildare engaging in an exhibition of actual throwing here and they’re still shit

Louth love playing Kildare. They always have.

‘Back door cut’


We’re just fuckin wid ya …apparently we’re keeping the nice jerseys for the finals

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They’re so prolific because they were an underperforming shitshow of a county who despised each other until Laverty put a degree of manners on his own club of curs Damien

Oh Wicklow goalie….

Corrigan Park has a lovely bank. If ever a venue was made for the Sigerson Cup.