Allianz National Football League 2024

A fraud, a thug and a coward. That team are toxic- should have had two straight reds in the last ten minutes


Poor David Clifford looks very tired To me Too. The weight of a counties expectations on his shoulders for six seasons now is incredibly tough and challenging personal circumstances to deal with over the last 18 months.

I hope he rips it up this summer but Iā€™m not sure.

I see he went in with another late cowardly shoulder charge. Bad look for a big fella

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Poor look out that he couldnā€™t cause wreck against a team of smokers.

Give it a rest, the lad has had a tough 18 months as said above


Tremendous shadow boxing from Kerry tonight. They had a tough session in Currans this morning so that will stand to them

Nothing justfies this from the Saint. He has a nawful streak in him that we arenā€™t allowed bring up

Same ol scousers, always whining

Protect the honeypot

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Didnā€™t watch it. Was David Clickbait smoked again?

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Any other player would be explaining or pleading to the ref. David just danders away, knowing rightly he can do whatever he wants ā€¦

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Some wee lad marked him out of it, but he looked too young to smoke


Kerry are finished youā€™d say. Thereā€™ll be no coming back from that. Clifford be as well head off to Australia after stinking it out like that last night.

Some people get awful sensitive about Clifford being hailed the GOAT, it brings out strange behaviour


Mostly lads that wouldnā€™t know a showlder from a kick in the arse it seems

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What height is that wee murchan fella? The ā€˜markā€™ seems very unfair, given the height differenceā€¦david must have untold damage?

Heā€™s the greatest footballer of all time and the most famous.

The Dublin team could walk down any street in Ireland and nobody would recognise them.

Clifford is the first gaa superstar of time following the games anyway.

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And heā€™s a top man as well.

Clifford is the Bruno Fernandes of the GAA.