Allianz National Hurling League 2023

My worry for Limerick is we are still very reliant on the core group of 2018. Unlike the great kk teams or Dublin teams there doesn’t seem to be many lads breaking
Into the team. Maybe Adam English, Cathal o Neill or shane o Brien can change that but this Limerick side have been on the go a long time now and have put up a lot of miles. I wouldn’t be under illusions it’s going to be tough very tough this year.


Limerick have a young panel chasing immorality and with lads like Coughlan and O Neill set to stamp their names on the first team to keep the regulars honest, then they’ll have no worries.

I’d bite your hand off just to get out of Munster tbh

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It’s a bearpit

I wouldn’t have Coughlan on my mind at the moment for a starting slot and watching tonight I’d expect Kyle Hayes to be back half back. We weren’t the most mobile of back lines at the best of times but I thought we were caught for pace a few times. Now cork are probably nippier than most sides too so it might be a major issue.

If Nicky Quaid misses a few more games he might start getting some of the recognition he deserves….


Marty would sicken your hole with the rebels are back but it wouldn’t shock me if it’s cork in the final again. I liked the cut of that new full backs jib and they’ve a few more back to bring in too from ucc. Joyce is very good.

They seemed a lot more physical than usual and they were working very hard as well off the ball.

Coughlan is hurling out of his mind for UL and looks less bulky than last year. Hard to start him over the 3 boyos in the half back line or Dan Morrissey but he’s knocking on the door. O Neill looks gigantic too.

He’s very flat footed. He might be suited to a central role.

You’d wonder about all this bulk too. Cian lynch looks absolutely huge too. I mean how big do these lads need to be to play hurling?

I remember that rushe lad for Dublin done something similar and he was never the same hurler again. O Driscoll too in the rugby’ and he lost it all again after his form dipped.

I guess there’s some science behind it away.

Coughlan is not slow going forward but as @Aristotle says he really struggles facing his own goal, much more than Hayes or Byrnes who are gazels.

Hannon was class once again at 6 so it’s another year of the bench for him.

One big worry for Limerick is how bad Richie English and Aaron Costello were.

Now you’re talking

He’s not the best on the ball either. He’s a good striker when loose but when he’s in tight corners he tends to just start charging forward.

Six years together now for a lot of the Limerick team and that is a long period. just look at how quickly Liverpool fell apart or the Irish rugby team in 2019. There’s countless examples in other sports. Time waits for no man.

It’s probably kiely and Kinnerks biggest achievement
To keep it so fresh despite relying on 17 or 18 players
For nearly 6 years.

Kyle moving back, lynch moving to 11 and Barry nash as a second player maker in the full back have worked really well and really changed the team. Can a few of the younger lads step up now or can kiely and co pull another rabbit from a hat. I think it’s going to be tough.

We touched the sky, if it all goes PeteTong this year so be it what a journey this team have brought us on, years of despair to ecstasy.


Im going to join the tongue in cheek lads and say Limerick are fucked for the year.

In all seriousness though the lads who are not in jest and who are questioning where Limerick are going for the year I just dont get. To my eye we were much more competitive tonight than we were in early league games last year, rusty for sure but lots of good also.

Lads judging anything on tonight are at nothing.

So to sum that up, Cork to win the All Ireland pulling up, theyve handed us our arses twice this year now.


What goes up must come down.

Cork v Galway AIF.

what more recognition do you want for him for fuck sake?

He is generally acknowledged as the greatest Limerick goalkeeper ever, is the all star keeper so is acknowledged as the best in the country at this time and seen as neck and neck with Eoin Murphy as the best in the game the last few years

so a lack of recognition u think?

Ben Cunningham is yeah.

You’re absolutely bang on about o Driscoll.
I think the lads just like being muscly. Who wouldn’t? They then realise sooner or later that it becomes a hindrance being too big. To be a top hurler or rubby league player, you need to be more mobile, and the strength and size needs to be ignorant rather than manufactured past a certain point I always think.


Some lads just need attention all the time. It’s a deep down insecurity.

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There is years left in this team. But when it does come to a stop Iv no doubt the Kerry will come out through ye and ye will turn on players and management in a shot

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When we go the decline will be steep. But if the bonus underage is getting now pays dividends we’ll be grand long term.