Allianz National Hurling League 2023

Entertaining owl game for the start of February on a pudding of a pitch. Austin Gleeson nearly killed a man just in front of where I was in the stand with a shoulder, Alex Considine (he won’t have to get up for work tomorrow). I left out a guttural roar of approval and the glamorous lady in front of me who was supporting Dublin gave me a daggers stare.

Waterford haven’t lost in Dungarvan since 2009, Dublin won’t get a better chance. We haven’t a forward to our name.


Your county shamed the sport

You would have lost your money.

My county is a bit big and populated to tar all of us with a few foolas who should have known better is a tad rich

Did he beep at you in the carpark?

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No seriously booing is a no no
And I’ve huge respect for anyone who togs out representing their club or county
We’ve brilliant support in the main
But tbh one shouldn’t be too worried about a few clown :clown_face: s booing whomever

Mate, you’re explaining yourself to the biggest dickhead that ever sat in front of a keyboard, I wouldn’t bother, nobody pays a blind bit of attention


Booooooo. Down with this sort of thing.

Was it square on? Looked a little frontal on the dial-up like feed I was watching on.

Stop covering for the cunts

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Here comes the bully

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First round of league and the place is bubbling :clap:

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Record crowds, the split season has the game purring

Great to see this thread seeing more action than the Six Nations Rubby thread

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The split season/ July finish has lads dropping e-shoulders very early in the season

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Square in the chest I thought. A classic stupid Austin challenge. I couldn’t believe it wasn’t at least a yellow but your man didn’t even give a free. He had lost control of the game at that stage though.

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Sell out in Dungarvan

Aye, all 300 in the gate early too

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Some gut on Stephen Bennett

Era our turn will come again,under 20s did well v KK
Limerick are superb
So were we
And KK
Swings n roundabouts boy

Yes unfortunately we’d a few latchicos who booed
It upset more on her than at PUC

( 5 0’CMass ended in record time last night at St Mary’s,Popes Quay so that the priests would make the match :wave:- divine intervention )

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