Allianz National Hurling League 2023

Ja Mannion musta wasted about 2-3 here on his own

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I only caught the last 5 mins of that which was more than enough.

He wouldnā€™t pass it to his mother.

McInerney is imperious at full back

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Another chance butchered

Ja Mannion and Flynn have literally dropped 2 goals with their butter fingers.


JaMan might be having the worst showing Iā€™ve ever seen from a full forward

Some scores being missed here. Wex 10/30

Itā€™s official. Jason Flynn is afraid of his shada

Did we not know this 8 years ago?

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The lesser spotted kicked point.

Galway half asleep and taking care of business

Exactly. I donā€™t know how heā€™s there at all. HS played against him.

Nilandā€™s GPS unit is flashing non stop.

Heā€™s redeemed himself 2nd half

Im onl watching since half time so maybe Iā€™m overreacting but Wexford Hurling needs to be officially disbanded.


Galway full-back line have been very good after a very wobbly first 10 minutes. Well on top now.

Itā€™s not the size of dog in the fight but the size of the fight in the dog they say and I just think thereā€™s some very light Galway lads there that donā€™t have that fight to compensate for the lack of physicality. Thereā€™s more mate on me little finger than DOS

Theyā€™re absolutely putrid

Weā€™ve played at a level just above shite. Still winning this comfortably. Says a lot about Wexford.