Allianz National Hurling League 2024

Lohan seething.

There’s going to be some trouble over this

I was just thinking Johnny is doing alright

First time I’ve seen that rule applied in a while and it’s applied incorrectly

:joy::joy::joy::joy: the replay is worse. I’m not even sure he hit him

A shite penno and a worse “save”

Shocking effort

Penalty barely reached the goal.

Will Clare get that over turned on appeal?

That’s the worst penalty I’ve seen since that Doon penalty shootout


That was Doon vs Na Piarsaigh levels of pelanty taking there.

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Did he try to get hop that into the mud?

Bizarre penalty and black card.

Cian Kenny is turing into a nice hurler


These Kilkenny fuckers are never dead

There was a goal on

Mossy had had some 2nd half


He’s too slow. Couldn’t turn him

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He should have passed it inside