Allianz National Hurling League 2024

The umpires have given up.

Surprised they’re hooking him

A tidy player like his Limerick namesake. Is this Shane Murphy’s first season starting corner-back for Kilkenny? Presumably a brother of FOTF Eoin and Alan.

Couldn’t believe it, he was causing a lot of problems there

Clare are coming lads.

Going to need a huge performance from Limerick to win in Ennis tomorrow two weeks.

Dirty lift of the knee by Eoin Murphy there

By far.

Cowardly stuff from Murphy there.

McCarthy has the odd hideous wide in his locker.

Was alright. Deffo intent to catch him with the knee

Clare should be out the gate but they’re leaving Kilkenny a sniff here.

Getting a win over Kilkenny is still big for any team on the way up.

Mullen has been anonymous since the yellow card

Whether they kick on will tell a bit alright

Well placed

Some finish

This a cracking game

This Steadicam following Brian Lohan prowling around has great potential for the year.

Lohan is morphing into Cody as the years go on

Classic Johnny Murphy