Allianz National Hurling League 2024

Bad miss that by the dubs. Entertaining game.

Ard scor there from Dublin

You simply can’t put hurling into these Dublin fellas.


Decent watch this. Some nice hurling.

Meehawl getting a few soft ones from his neighbour Shane here

The Dublin full back for that goal :see_no_evil:

That should have been a goal

That was some sequence

Morris is a bagsman in fairness

Jake Morris took that well.

Great finish but no way the keeper should be beaten at that angle.

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Nice pass. Net not tied down either

Tipp goalie is some liability

Officials riding Tipp here giving Dublin sympathy scores.

Andrew Ormond anything to Paul Ormond?

Craig Morgan has been very impressive for Tipp today.

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Obviously a refs directive on the handpass.

Nephew afaik.

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This has been a decent runout. I’d say both teams will be relatively happy.

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A lot learned here by both teams I’d imagine