Alright-Sort of the year - 2021

Ted Walsh

This could become a tricky one. Personally I think Ted is a cunt. I’ve nominated him

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I see that
he could be the John Delaney of 2020 dividing the forum.

An unlikely yardstick. While not having the actual real figures for membership (FAIspeak) it appears that the result of the Coty2019 universally agreed Delaney was a cunt.

Ted, while being an oul’ miserable cunt, isn’t quite yet past the quarter final stage yet.
Delaney was a worthy winner, well more meritorious than some of his predeccessors .

The galling part is that Delaney, along with the likes of Patrick Neary, numerous banking fucktards and useless governmental flutes slope away into the ether with massive payouts.


Ted is a great man.

They could have given him the whole show tonight

What a guy.

Jurgen Klopp.

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Michael ‘Babs’ Keating

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Larry McCarthy

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Billy Holland


Tony Davis cork gaa

What about Tony Davis the Cork Garda?

He retired the other day

Eamon O’Cuiv

Paddy Barnes


Ah that’s beautiful.

Joe Dooley

Mossy Quinn Ex Dublin footballer


MĂșinteoir Ray