Alright sort of the year 2023

Think you boys should just shake on it, walk away and say no more.

Are you somehow trying to imply that I’m responsible for that taxi driver’s racism because he is from Dublin and so am I? Really?

A lot of hate and anger here. Its only the INTERNET lads. No one really hates anyone because of the INTERNET right? Shur tis all half made up like.

Relax guys. Its a beautiful day.

Nasty undertones to that post.

Oh you’re covering for him now. This is getting better. Always had yisser back bossman remember dah

Wait you couldn’t be as stupid as that post suggests…

Not for the first time i have no idea what you are trying to say here.

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What’s all the hate for salt o earth Dubs pal ? Did you catch your missus in the pit with rashers tierney?


The idea this lad ever had a missus is little far fetched.


The salt cellars are circling.

Sometimes I forget how utterly fucking stupid you are.

Let’s go over it again. Very slow this time to let you catch up.

Was that post by Bandage racist?

You’ve collected your thoughts now, you blew it the first time with a nonsensical reply/braindead misread. Surely take two will be better

This is about your level alright

What has a @Bandage post got to do with me? Take it up with him if you have an issue with it. Be careful though, your most recent interaction with him didn’t go so well for you.

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I don’t believe it you doubled down. You fucking dullard. A clearly racist post, but you can’t call out what it is, because he’s an admin and you want him to like you, this place after all is very important to you.

So all your haughty bleating about racism is all for virtue signalling show, you won’t call it out when you see it you cowardly cunt.

Just like when you don’t call out your own people for running over delivery drivers, burning migrants tents, robbing old people. Your own people, and you won’t speak against it or even own it.

Again, i don’t know why you are trying to link me to a @Bandage post. Take it up with him.

Re the lads that burnt the migrants tents, they are racist scumbags . Unfortunately there are lots of racist scumbags everywhere and i detest them all .If you can find a post where i defended racist behaviour fire it up there. If not just fuck off for yourself.

Unless they are admins on certain sites…

Which post are we talking about here? Put it up there again for us all to see.

It’s about 15 posts up horse. I’d say all can find it.

@maroonandwhite loves Joe Rogan who’s a massive racist who can’t stop saying the n word yet now @maroonandwhite claims to have a problem with the n word when he’s demonstrably never had a problem with it in the past.

You genuinely can’t make this stuff up.


Kieron Dyer

A very nice and thoughtful statement.

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Good luck to him but hardly puts him for “alright sort of the year”. All he did was thank people…?