Alright sort of the year 2023

What’s a fued you illiterate fool?

If calling someones wife a gook isnt an example of racism then what is?

Go back there and read other posters old posts. The admin you lick up to the whole time (this place is really important to you isn’t it :joy:) told plenty of racist jokes. And now you suck up to him.

But go on you have to have more examples than that… If not you’ll admit you are a fucking dublin scumbag

I gave you a pertinent example. Calling somebody a gook is racist. Any chance you might give some examples of your nasty accusations above or are you going to keep deflecting.

Haha no examples to back up your bullshit you absolute fucking skanger. As I predicted.

White flag. Good man. Go back to your donuts fat boy.

Knowing what Dublin scum like you eat donuts are a delicacy.

No examples, just shrieking racist at me as you want to appear like a good boy to the admins. Ignoring of course anything racist they said.

You are an absolute joke of a human. And as for the shit you’ve condoned. That proves it. Go off and smoke twenty Benson there and thank the state for the house it gave you you useless cunt.

Examples please?


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You know well enough. I called them out at the time. But you were shrieking racist at me for a good while.

Examples please?

I don’t. I’ve asked you 10 times now to back up what you are accusing me of and you have deflected and ranted but given no examples. I think its reasonable to assume at this stage that’s because there are no examples. Now fuck off for yourself you poisonous cunt.

So no examples of me being a racist? But you’ve been parroting it for months. And you can’t back it up? Why are all Dublin skangers useless cunts

Apart from when you called a posters wife a gook?

That fued ten years ago against that prick protected by admins. Does the wife even exist.

Come on you have to have more examples than that, any real examples??

Ah it was a fued! You should of said so.

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So no other examples… Keep shrieking though and you’ll get the pat on the head from admins you so desperately crave. This place is a huge part of your life it seems.

Well you’ve been barred off the site a good few times for being a nuisance yet you keep coming back for more?

Considering how busy you are with all those drinking and work buddies from all over the world, it’s amazing thatyou can still find the time to come on here and bore the hole off everyone.

Yeah you’ve no examples to back up your incessant noise. Nothing says Dublin like…

Here’s one for you if you’re man enough, is this racist

Jesus that quietened him.

That’s not my post. Why are you quoting someone else’s post to try and somehow insinuate that I’m racist ? You are some windowlicker.

:joy: You cowardly filthy skanger. What is with Dublin skangers lack of backbone and desperate need to revere authority. The west brit nature I guess.

All haughty about racism before but now you can’t even call it out in this post because this place is very important to you and youre a good little boy who has to keep on the admins side.