American Mass Shootings / Stabbings / Car Crashes/bridge collapses

Diarmuid Byrnes can only strike off his right the fucking fascist

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take a night off pal

That response seems to have stumped you.

I genuinely lold at that one. That being said., Hannon can strike with both sides. Aye that’s why he was considered " the weak link"

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Only the 85 posts from @Cheasty today, what a life well lived.


I haven’t followed this other than hearing ben shaphiro dismiss the case and a guest on the Michael malice podcast describe it as an utter farce. Was this fella linked to any racist groups? He seems to have acted in self defence after putting himself in a position where he might have to act in self defence…and some stuff about the oddities of gun laws, state lines etc?

Scroll back up. I wont do your reading for you.

Have you ever tried to scroll back up?

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Ewan McKenna is a big supporter of young Rittenhouse

What a shock :joy:

Just for the lads who are totally ignorant of American history and think they’re being somehow smart when they ask “how can a white man killing other white men be a result of white supremacism?”

You’re not being smart, lads. You’re showcasing your spectacular wilful ignorance for everybody to see.

–and a lack of state intervention when they do. A short thread:

During the Montgomery bus boycott, Rev. Bob and Jean Graetz spoke out in favor of the boycott in church, worked on behalf of the boycott, sat in the “Black” section at the movie theater. Their house was bombed twice.

Also, in Montgomery, librarian Juliette Morgan wrote a letter to the newspaper in favor of the boycott, criticizing White Citizen’s Councils as “cowardly Southern white men.” She lost her job, was harassed incessantly (rocks thrown at her, prowlers, calls). She took her own life.

In the 1961 Freedom Rides, whites Jim Peck & Walter Bergman were mercilessly attacked --Peck needed 53 stitches. The FBI knew of the mob amassing in Birmingham against the Rides; their informant alerted the whites gathering where the first bus would arrive.

Detroiter Viola Liuzzo was killed driving marchers home after the Selma-to Montgomery march. There was an FBI undercover in the car of whites who killed her. The FBI scuttled the trial and instead spread rumors about Liuzzo’s personal life.

Episcopalian seminarian Jonathan Daniels joined SNCC’s organizing in Lowndes County. When a local deputy drew his gun on Black teenager Ruby Sales, Daniels pushed her down, took the bullet and died. His death deeply impacted Stokely Carmichael, who told Daniels’ family himself.

And the list could go on. Just as in Kenosha, there is a long history of the white people who dared step outside and challenge white supremacy becoming targets of violence & lack of state protection alongside the Black activists & community members they were organizing with.

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I don’t think Bari Weiss has been right on anything in her life apart from correctly realising that there is a lot of money to be made in a being a 100% bad faith grifter and chancer who tells stupid racist people what they want to hear.

Was that poor boy blackguarded by the media? Is that the line :rofl:

By rioting and looting? Seriously? The rest of your examples are from Jim Crow times ffs.

Kyle Rittenhouse murdered two people in cold blood and tried to murder a third.

White supremacists consider white people who don’t think like they do to be race traitors.

A very good example was Labane calling me a “self-hating” because I cut through his white supremacist bullshit.

You couldn’t get more racist than holding the sort of views Labane holds.


If you believe the woke media narrative the good guys in this case were the lads that Rittenhouse killed. This is the “good guy” according to the woke, a model citizen fighting for justice.

Joseph Rosenbaum, hero of the progressive left. Sentenced in 2002 to 10 years in prison for sexual assault and rape of 5 children, boys between the ages of 9 and 11. Witnesses testified at the trial of Rittenhouse that he made verbal threats on the life of Rittenhouse before starting his pursuit of him.

They were.

@Tierneevin1979 has made clean shit out of a few posters here.


@Cheasty is making a cheap attempt at martyrdom here comparing murdered civil rights activists from the early 60s to lads who were intent on commiting criminal damage to property and bodily harm or worse. It’s absolute bottom of the barrel stuff.


No. Hes embarrassed you beyond belief

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Only himself.

As he has been doing since 2015.

A poster with nothing but racist hatred in his “heart”.