American Mass Shootings / Stabbings / Car Crashes/bridge collapses

Yes, the media lied repeatedly about the case. So much so you bought into the lies and repeated them yesterday.

Do you support defamation and the media outright lying? Do you believe itā€™s reasonable for the media to call someone a murderer before they have had their case heard in court?


@backinatracksuit Admitted himself that he knew little of the case or background but his first assumption was to label Rittenhouse a racist.


We know what to expect from Sid, as he is utterly mad. Itā€™s disappointing to see the likes of @backinatracksuit buy into the woke narrative.

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You would think that because youā€™re an extremist simpleton. I mean you think AOC is one of the most dangerous people in America.

Opinions like that are utterly laughable.

Theyā€™re genuinely laugh out loud stupid.

[quote=ā€œCheasty, post:2156, topic:2005, full:trueā€]

Iā€™d still give her one though

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What are you on about, typical tactic of imagining stuff which i never said, itā€™s the reason why i donā€™t engage with you anymore, not sure why i bothered here.
I said I suspect heā€™s a racist, I wouldnā€™t have needed media to bring me to that conclusion.
Now if you wouldnā€™t mind pointing out what you were referring to

You acknowledged that Rittenhouse had committed murder.

You called him a murderer.

And for once in your life, you were correct.

Is it correct that a dangerous convicted paedophile was shot dead here?

I honestly havent been aware of this case at all.

If they were black heā€™d have done time.

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A ā€œgood guyā€ according to @Cheasty

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Why would you suspect he was a racist? Without any media to inform you no less.

Your second comment was he travelled a long way to be there, again buying into a bullshit narrative. His father, grandmother, aunts and uncles are all living in Kenosha. He worked in Kenosha and testified under oath thatā€™s why he was there that night. Itā€™s the nearest city to him, he lives 15 - 20minutes out in the sticks. As i said it would be like anyone from rural Limerick going in to Limerick city.

Iā€™d personally have no problems with a convicted child sex abuser being shot dead.

Yes, the first lad he shot was sentenced to ten years for raping 5 young boys. A hero of the woke mob.


100% correct.

Fucking hell.

Is there any background as to what that sick cunt was doing there?

Just looting was it or what?

Christ that cunt got out easy.

Fucking hell what?

Do you think itā€™s acceptable to go around murdering random people?

Thatā€™s what you and Labane are supporting here.

This guy is your hero.

Peacefully there in solidarity, he was great guy and needs a mural put up in his honour now or better yet a street renamed after him.

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