American Mass Shootings / Stabbings / Car Crashes/bridge collapses

You are a very, very, very angry man.

Fuck me. It was like watching pacman go ble his way through them

That’s your response? Can’t answer a simple question?

I wonder why.

Get help.

Have you worked out why pretty much nobody knows what the McMichaels and Bryan look like?

And why that trial is so commonly referred to as “the Ahmaud Arbery trial”?

Go and find out.

Deflection. If this were a terrible crime with a white suspect you would be posting about it incessantly, and calling the suspect a racist white supremacist.

Anyone watching coverage of the trial on CNN or MSNBC would know what they look like, their faces are on the screen daily. McMichaels testifying has been on every news channel here.

I have an apology to make.

I incorrectly called last night’s tragedy a terror attack. My profound apologies to the driver of the car.

May the victims rest in peace and may the injured recover fully. A terrible, terrible tragedy.

You are a very sick individual.

I felt it was important I make the correction. I defamed the individual and that was wrong. Hopefully if he reads this he will accept my apology.

It’s almost like it’s a double standard


What is the double standard? In your own words, now.

The media are highly culpable on this one I believe. Obviously, this is not a mentally well individual, his prior criminal record and using his SUV as a weapon and running over his partner would suggest a deranged individual, even before last night’s outrage. No question there is a lot of anger on the Kyle Rittenhouse acquittal, but most of that anger is based on the false narrative that he was a racist who targeted black people, as that’s what the media wanted it to be.

The media now want this story to go away, you will see no coverage on the suspect, no photos, no analysis on what may have motivated him. You won’t hear a word from the woke warriors on this case, mainly due to the fact it was white people in a predominantly white Republican city who were targeted. They can’t create a white supremacy angle to it, so it must be ignored.

See the post below.

There is currently no post below.

If a white man had committed this crime, his picture would be plastered all over the media and there would be days of analysis on his racist motives. You know this, stop pretending to be thick.

Kyle Rittenhouse is a racist who went to a BLM protest to murder. And did murder.

What was this?

Some guy fleeing the police.

He was disgusted when the identity of the suspect was made available and we all know exactly why.


That isn’t true at all. You’re way down a rabbit hole of right wing media and your critical faculties are non existent.

You are saying that a white man ploughing into white people in an SUV would automatically be racist?

How do you make that out?

Sure you’ve been saying the exact opposite for the last three days - that Rittenhouse couldn’t be racist because he shot white people.

What evidence do you have that Kyle Rittenhouse was a racist and went to a BLM protest to murder?

He came from out of state to goad BLM protestors and had an AR-15 around his neck.

Which he used. To murder people.

Is it not self-evident?

I would have thought it was!

No, I’m suggesting if a white man drove into a crowd of black people it would be considered racist and a hate crime. As it should be.