American Mass Shootings / Stabbings / Car Crashes/bridge collapses

Yer man was fleeing the police. What evidence do you have that there was a racist motive?


None at all.


You are one twisted wum

Stop projecting, petal.

Was everyone carrying a weapon there that night intent on murder? BLM protesters with weapons intent on murder?

he alleges that he was

I don’t know. I would venture a lot of the anti-BLM demonstrators if they were armed were certainly open to murdering people.

Rittenhouse definitely was intent on murdering though. He created the situation himself and then murdered two people and attempted to murder a third.

Obviously not. They didn’t murder anybody or attempt to.

He wasn’t fleeing the police, there was no police pursuit. He drove to a predominantly white city (he lives in Milwakee not Waukesha) and targeted a parade of grannies and children, driving over 40 people, killing 5. I would say it suggests a racist attack.

It’s actually remarkable that you are defending him, even for you.

You would say that, though.

Because you hate blacks and always presume the worst about them.

Whereas you always seem to presume the noblest of intentions about whites.

But sure look it anyway, as horrible an incident as last night’s was, it was legal under Wisconsin law. Yer man can just claim he felt his life was under threat and bob’s yer uncle, he’ll be acquitted.

Oh wait, I forgot, he’s black, he can’t do that.

A jury, who unlike you heard all the evidence, decided otherwise. Unanimously. Calling him a murderer is defamation.

I didn’t defend him. I haven’t defended him at any point.

What were the motives for this latest terrorist attack?

I love black people and black culture. I don’t love violent scumbags, regardless of their race or ethnicity. Those are quite simple concepts and good ones to live by.

Yeah but sure the law is a white supremacist ass.

George Zimmerman got off murdering Trayvon Martin when he created the situation himself and murdered an unarmed black man. Who was returning home after buying Skittles.

That’s what America is.

And you go stone crazy when anybody points that out.

Work out why that is.

I see the Arberry trial is on closing arguments. The verdict here could bring this forum to its knees

Not many comments from our US based experts about how the defence went full racist and tried to provoke violence from blacks (they failed) and get a mistrial out of it.

Funny that.

We don’t know all the motives, but a black rapper drove to a predominantly white city and targeted a parade of old people and children and ran over them with his car. It certainly suggests a hate crime.

You really hate rap, don’t you?

Are you Tipper Gore?

Expand your musical tastes.

George Zimmerman is a person of color though, a member of the group you called “allied people of color”.

I listen to a fair bit of hip hop, not gangsta rap glorifying rape and senseless violence though.

My favorite genre is America jazz, which is predominantly a black genre.