American Mass Shootings / Stabbings / Car Crashes/bridge collapses

This isn’t a bit of a snow fall on some regional road in Laois mate. There are trucks appearing out of nowhere in that video.


They are, because he’s standing nearly 50 yards away in the ditch videoing them.

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Trump +15, also if this had happened while Trump was president it would be Trump +15.

Reports saying a guy dressed in construction gear wearing a gas mask shooting people, photos look bad

Brooklyn subway shooting: Multiple people shot, FDNY says - CNN

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Shooter is still at large?

looks that way

Never ends the madness

Found the guy in a McDonalds in the East Village

Always the last place you look

Looking forward to the Qanon explanation for this

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Racism against white people must end. @Turenne will be delighted with this fella.

The man obviously mentally unwell.

God bless the families his actions have destroyed.

Liberal cities are falling apart. Americans need Jesus.

It’s impossible to be “racist” against the people in power. More proof that your understanding of racism hasn’t expanded beyond insults.

The anti-woke freaks here won’t like this, it turns out one of their guys was responsible for the Brooklyn subway attack.
