American Mass Shootings / Stabbings / Car Crashes/bridge collapses

An awful country.


To be clear, nobody died in or around this clip but, yā€™know, 'muricuh :open_mouth:


Hello, AA Autoglass repairsā€¦

Iā€™m assuming the silly cunt lost his no-claims bonus a long time ago.


Heā€™s a republican party candidate

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Might not believe in insurance after all. Winning.


Heā€™s a deranged cunt

Youā€™d want your head examined to raise a family there.

Heā€™d do serious damage on the n/m7 of a Friday evening

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An armed society is a polite society.

Jesus this is mental.

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I hope heā€™s not the fucking idiot who stopped in the middle of the road in the first place.
I suspect he is, given he is worried only about his stuff.

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Christ that cunt filming it would annoy you.

That fella looking around his car in the middle of a pile up :see_no_evil: lucky boy the car missed him

Absolute ape.

Blessed he wasnā€™t cleaned off

No fear of the cunt going up the road and trying to get lads to slow down.



Ah heā€™d be brown bread if he did.

Ah here, no one is asking him to throw himself in front a big rig, but his phone has a light, all heā€™d need to do is go a mile up the road and try at least!