American Mass Shootings / Stabbings / Car Crashes/bridge collapses

We need bank tellers with guns or something

100 days into the year and 146 “mass shootings”

Worth reading

Fascinating… The orange bastards are essentially to blame and they exported their propensity for hatred and violence to the US.

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22 dead so far.

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Barmy country

Maine has one of the most lax state gun laws. No restrictions on public carry, no background checks etc. The guy was ex military, allegedly trained soldiers in shooting. Spent a few weeks in a mental health facility in the summer, then boom, this happens. The cost of a decent therapist, psychiatrist or psychologist in the states is extortion, along with Wyatt Earp era gun fandom…not the best combo.


Unvetted White American man.

Ex military. Probably fucked up from it and left to rot.

Thank you for your service

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A few lads on here have put away their type writers after reading that.

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Yep. The amount of vets you see homeless in California and elsewhere always shocks. They give the best of themselves to the country and are quickly forgotten about.

Army reserve member and trained firearm instructor so, essentially a good guy with a gun but had apparently previously reported mental health issues and threatened to shoot up the reserve base recently.

I wonder does he listen to Joe rogan

I don’t agree with his Bart-killing policy… but I do approve of his Selma-killing policy


The full free-thinker bingo card.

Nothing will ever change in America. These shootings have started to evoke less and less of a reaction. It’s almost a “what did you expect” shrug now.

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I wonder has he any views on climate change.

I seen reactions in the aftermath of this killing likening guns to cars. Cars don’t kill people, drivers do. We don’t hear calls to ban cars. Yes, this is true but you are not enthusiastic about upgrading the mental health system a few notches instead of sending useless rockets into space.

Cars are designed not to kill people.