American Mass Shootings / Stabbings / Car Crashes/bridge collapses

This one will. Maine isn’t a conservative state but has had a lax attitude to guns given it’s more rural nature. I suspect the whole North East will have Massachusetts style gun control (and they are getting stricter) in the next 10 years.

Clinton, bloody Democrats at it yet again.

No one even cares anymore


It’s amazing but that’s unfortunately the case. They will accept these as something they have to live with like hurricanes.

I don’t agree. People are seething about this.

It is the local politicians who are almost the most corrupt on this- a number of Democrats joined with GOP members in blocking gun control legislation in Maine last year.

Much like abortion, this is a fucking stupid position for most politicians to take long term.

Not in New Hampshire. Live free or die.

Absolutely. We’re a bit beyond the bell curve of care and there’s no going back.

Still goes blue.

Its a blue state but i imagine they would be very passionate about their 2nd ammendment rights. I was in very rural NH early this year and saw a few massive Trump 2024 flags on houses. I got a good kick out of it

Still haven’t got him.

The horse has bolted, they can’t make guns magically disappear. the result of all tragedies such as this is more not less guns being bought and being out there. So it’s not an easy answer, but mental health services, and reengagement with others and society might help.

What about the Karen’s on this forum gleeful that the shooter mentioned Elon Musk. Very happy to think they are proved ‘right’ while of course offering no suggestions or empathy. What absolute losers.


Fair play mate. You offered a brilliant suggestion there. You’re an absolute winner. This fella thats killed 18 people definitely needs to…‘reengage with others’.


You are an awful simpleton God love you. Comes across in nearly all your posts.

Very sad story but just for a laugh, what would your pea brained suggestion be?

Its perfectly reasonable to own an assault rifle, the King of England could invade at any time and you need to be prepared


Vito didn’t stay there long.

Id ban guns mate. And id have a fuckoff gun amnesty with a buy back scheme. Yep. Buy the guns back off them. Even if you only got half of them, youd stop a whole lot of killing.

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Is he still on the run?

He’s down in the shadows of the penitentiary, out by the gas fires of the refinery


So he’s burning down the road?

10 years now