American Mass Shootings / Stabbings / Car Crashes/bridge collapses

Australia dropped the ball there, Americans will see what happened there during covid and justify their right to form an armed miltia to combat a government that oversteps the mark when removing personal freedoms

Youā€™ve hit the nail on the head regarding the mindset of a significant number of Americans.

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Fellas on here believe Americans have the same thoughts, values and opinions as irish/europeans. Its a completely different mindset and culture outside the similarities that are purely surface. We know a lot of what is normal in the US seems mental to us but its normal there

Same can be said when comparing ireland to brazil, kenya or Saudi, when know there is a massive difference with those places


We try and educate them but they donā€™t want to learn they just want to signal their virtue. Which as always is truly useless.

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Normal TFK posters for years: ā€œMost of America is nuts, especially Trump supporters.ā€

TFK Awkward Squad in response: ā€œBullshit, Trumpā€™s supporters are all decent people who have the same values as us.ā€

Also TFK Awkward Squad: ā€œFellas on here believe Americans have the same thoughts, values and opinions as irish/europeans. Its a completely different mindset and culture outside the similarities that are purely surface. We know a lot of what is normal in the US seems mental to us but its normal thereā€


They love killing loads of people

If there was less guns theyā€™d just be mass stranglings etc


I dont have the answers, to us irish it is mental, i dont know how to explain American mindset as i only have seen it as an outsider but no point in using European logic to deeply American issues

This is the level of moron we are dealing with

Okā€¦ should we compare gun prohibition to gun prohibition or gun prohibition to something entirely different?
Also, have you any idea if there was more drinking during prohibition than when it was legal? Or did drinking levels actually go down, but still werent eradicated? Feel free to take your time with this.

School shooting, americas national pass time

From a fella who has never been to America nor has any intentions of going


I would think the proportion of people around the world who never have any intention of going to America is ever increasing, precisely because of things like mass gun murder.

Who the fuck would want to live in such an environment.

The scale of the place is absolutely massive. The Irish media are obsessed with the whole thing but I doubt these situations get much coverage any where else.

America is just too a big a country to function properly.

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Apparently the answer now is to legalise all drugs.

In the next breath Art will unironically waffle on about the toll opioids have taken on US society.

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Sooooā€¦ America is a bigger placeā€¦ with more peopleā€¦ gotcha.
And you reckon a percentage of the guns are untraceableā€¦ok thats fair enough. So there are still maybe 75% of those guns that are registered and could be retrieved. Itā€™s absolutely beyond doubt that banning guns would drop the number of gun deaths significantly. Getting the legislation passed would be the hard part. Collecting the guns would take a long time, but most people would give them up. And people might even buy into it after a few years when they see the drop in gun deaths. And that nobody had invaded them yet.

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Ireland looks at America like a (reasonably) well functioning family looks at a family of headbangers down the road who are out on the street shouting at each other each night.

ā€œAre they at it again?ā€


ā€œOK, carry on.ā€

I just donā€™t think the rest of the world is tuned into these events like we are here.

Weā€™re tuned into them because wherever you look in Irish public debate now, be it in the national media, or in niche INTERNET forums like this one, there are highly vocal, wannabe redneck headbangers importing the lunacy of Trump and his reality-denying, gun toting, right wing culture war obsessed headbangers.

Where are you getting 75% from?

The legislation, an outright ban, would be impossible.

ā€˜collecting the guns would take a long time, but most people would give them upā€™ - that Iā€™m afraid is the defining statement regards your knowledge of the topic. ā€˜Collecting themā€™ would result in thousands of wacos.

ā€˜and that nobody invaded them yetā€™ the invasions they are worried about arenā€™t foreign. Iā€™d suggest think on that, but itā€™s clearly pointless.

Just admit you are out of your depth and you donā€™t understand a culture where more than 100 million people personally own guns and do not want to give them up. A few more than Australia alright. Or keep digging.