American Mass Shootings / Stabbings / Car Crashes/bridge collapses

Nowhere to run?

TNH? :man_shrugging:

So simple and obvious it might just work.

Probably not the ones handing them back that would be at risk of killing a dozen or two innocents as a way of spitting the dummy.

Thanks for proving the simpleton point anyway. You’d ban them and expect people to just hand them in. And you think if you got half of the 400 million plus in circulation (in reality you’d get less than 10% I’d guess) problem solved.

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Have you the virtue signallers on mute?

Maybe it was in one of your side groups - throw up the post(s) by all means

Sid about 32 posts up and glas chiming in after. You mustn’t be much of a guard if you can’t find that.

How are you supposed to hunt deer without a machine gun?

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It would still mean less gun deaths

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I’m not sure it would. There would be 100s of millions of guns out there and obtainable if someone wanted to use them. Whats being suggested is prohibition, or a war on drugs. Except the item in these cases don’t have an expiry date and are equally untraceable, and have a use that runs deeper for most owners, they make them feel safe.

The only possible gun control measure, and an effective one, would be a ban on the sale of and use of semi automatic rifles. Very little damage could be done with single shot ones in comparison.

Ah, now I see what set you off

Took you a while.

Not surprising really.

Yes mate. When you ban things it takes them out of circulation. If only some other country had tried it and the effects had been widely researched… oh wait

Don’t the gun nut lobby always say gun owners are law abiding citizens? So guns were banned, the gun owners would obey the law, right? Because they’re law abiding citizens?

yes prohibition was a resounding success in america, as was the war in drugs


Australia got 650000 guns back.

America has 400 million and in that tens of millions of them unrecorded and untraceable.

And the gun culture and trust of government, and level of danger in parts of American society is completely different but you haven’t the required intelligence to appreciate that.

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Sounds deadly in many ways

You’re dealing with a proven simpleton

It’s a sure sign some somebody is super intelligent and totally confident in their debating ability when their first tactic is always to shout personal abuse at anybody who disagrees with them.