American Mass Shootings / Stabbings / Car Crashes/bridge collapses

Who would have guessed that this would be all the fault of “the left wing”, just like everything else is?


You’d have to drive 200k in Australia to find someone to shoot at.


I can’t speak for Saudi, but actually I find the similarities far more striking than the differences in Kenya and South America, as well as the bits of the middle East I’ve been to.

Youll raise me some ‘research’ from a Koch bros lobby group? Ok mate.

Jesus you really are thick as mince. You brought the figures up. It’s in the post above that i quoted. You even told me i was thick for suggesting guns might be banned then suggested banning guns as a solution.

You’ll never solve gun crime generally but incels shooting up public places can be massively curbed.

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Agreed if the FBI did their job and tracked nutters who warn of what they are about to do on social media. Which is the case with 90% of cases including the Maine shooter.


If they weren’t so busy hounding Galway lads for wrongthink.

The guy at Highland Park last year would have been stopped if the cops had done their job properly.

Does anyone here actually want to discuss US gun statistics? Specifically murder stats? There’d likely be a couple of meltdowns

How many new gun sales are there per year in America?

Throw up some stats there. I’d be interested.

The 2022 FBI stats were released recently, knock yourself out w google

I suggested banning semi automatic rifles. Do you realise that such guns could be far more easily seen in public, so more controllable, far easier to stop sales of and prevent being made and modified rather than handguns.

Your level is thinking the government are going to call around ‘collecting’ guns off tens of millions of people who have no interest in giving them up and don’t trust the government. One of the stupidest thoughts I’ve read on here.

Yes, but you don’t read your own posts Scooby, do you?

Found dead.

Can anyone make sense of this?

This is unfortunately what they’re dealing with. It must boil down to the education system to an extent. It’s kind of sad really.

Imagine if they used 20% of the money sent to Ukraine for education instead