American Mass Shootings / Stabbings / Car Crashes/bridge collapses

This fella probably has a couple of legally held AK47s at home.


That’s just the legal ones. In fairness, if a 106 year old JFK is running things, I’d probably tool up myself.

They found the Maine shooter dead in a dumpster.

Nothing will probably come of this, but there’s a few people that will go to their graves with a fairly heavy conscience…

How do you fix this?

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He shot the sister for asking him to calm down but not the brother who he had been fighting with all day. At least there were plenty of guns about to resolve it peacefully.

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14 and 15.



Milli Vanilli touring correctional facilities


Surely it shouldn’t just go like that?

Infrastructure is crumbling in America.

Probably fortunate from a number of casualties standpoint that this happened during the middle of the night and not rush hour (though that won’t be much comfort to those who may have perished).

Everything was built in the 50s and crumbling. America is literally falling apart - they’re only answer is to keep printing dollars

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Improving or maintaining existing infrastructure is considered health and safety gone mad and an imposition on freedom, or something

Major Bill Rawls the cunt will try to claim this one is outside city limits; hopefully McNulty will screw him again


And then send them to fight a proxy war

That’s what happens when you put Jimmy in the boat

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Hamsterdam the other side of the bridge there.

I hope Omar’s grandma can still get to church