American Mass Shootings / Stabbings / Car Crashes/bridge collapses

It was the Russians that did it in retaliation to the shootings in Moscow

Kate Midleton will probably have been captaining the ship before the day is out


The Federal interstate program ended in the 1980s. Projects impacted by it like the Big Dig in Boston didn’t finish until the 2000s.

The Federal government have been spending a lot more of late with some rapid improvements in airport and high speed rail on the agenda.

Generally, there is a mix between Fed, State and local funding on infrastructure projects so it depends State by State, town by town.

Things can be hyper local. You won’t get people putting up with shit in villages and towns where property taxes are high.

“A ship like that doesn’t just hit a bridge”

I was on the floor of a stock exchange trading company on the 20th floor too; brother of a friend of mine worked there. If you can picture the Wolf of Wall Street office but without all the jumping and leaping about, it was like that. Try not to picture planes close by…

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We’ll let the TFK Ship Builders and Engineers Union comment first before speculating as to the mechanical condition of the ship.

Where’s that @Dav1 cunt when you need him?

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On rail?

The high speed rail project has been a bit of a mess. Places like Florida and Texas are ironically better candidates now with some great projects ongoing. Although the LA to Vegas Brightline project is going well.

Despite the general narrative, LA is actually building a really good public transit system. Whether people ride it is another thing as the homeless situation is out of control.

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I still have me ticket for the viewing deck from the summer of 1999 at home somewhere.

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The bridge was a hologram and never existed. The ship’s captain died suddenly from the Covid vaccine and that’s why the ship went out of control and crashed into the hologram.

Ok but do bridges collapse over there more often than other places? We get a few in Ireland and I’d imagine, Europe has a similar amount falling as the US

The American Infrastructure Apologists out in force I see.


Here we go

Ship fuel can’t melt steel beams.

I mightn’t have been far wrong when I said world war 3 was imminent.

It was a BLACK SWAN wot dunnit!!!

Unlikely to gain admittance with it at this stage.

I didn’t care much for the film but you cant not watch a film where Mila Kunis and Natalie Portman go at it.


Didn’t have Gishlane Maxwell on my bingo card, but that’s really just the Clintons and Israelis anyway

It was the Jews

RTE are reporting that the ship lost power and issued a Mayday call.