American Mass Shootings / Stabbings / Car Crashes/bridge collapses

Mental illness the cause according to the Trumpster.

Someone who killed a bunch of people wasn’t all there?

Seems fair

Ah well, it happens to the best of us. It’s only white that we should rationalise the actions of a terrorist cracker.

Reading there that the gunman in Dayton, Connor Betts, according to his social media profile was a left wing Democrat, Elizabeth Warren supporter who still hadn’t got over Hillary Clinton losing the 2016 Presidential election.

Former classmates have described him as a bully who liked to scare women.

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His own sister one of his first victims

@Sidney will still blame Trump.


It seems to me that whilst accurate, blaming white supermacism is a bit like mental health troubles (instigated by Video games or whatever else the lobby wanted to blame), it is being latched onto by the traditional 2nd Amendment zealots as the excuse. They’ve done this before and nothing happens to actually reduce the amount of silly firepower out there for the general public to purchase.

I’d blame your man that did it

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… and wrote a list on a bathroom wall at school of fellow students he wanted to kill or rape. Was suspended for a while and then let back to school.

In almost every case like this, it emerges afterwards that the perpetrator had left lots of clues as to his intentions, spewing hate on social media, often pictured with his weapons, etc. But they can’t be touched because of their constitutional right to free expression.

It’s time the US revisited the first amendment as well as the second. Anyone calling for violence towards other human beings should be on some kind of law reinforcement list, and at a minimum obviously shouldn’t be allowed buy firearms.


My people have been dealing with the mentally ill for a long time.

White mans greed is the true illness.

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Walmart and their like shouldn’t be selling guns like bread and milk. Disaster waiting to happen.

Mental health seriously does need to be looked at. It’s a growing problem.

And will stay up all night searching for articles on extreme left wing websites to try to prove it

Good to have you back pal. How’s the DAX these days?

Not looking good, down almost 10% since early July. Equities in general look on the verge of collapse.

Like the beef prices

81 posts were split to a new topic: Buffalo, Bison and Racism

Would it not be easier to just ban guns outright?

Americans have a constitutional right to go insane, purchase a gun and randomly kill. How dare you suggest that.