An Irish Wealth Tax

Is it a new one? The first one is refused I think. Makes sense, it’s not too far a walk to LIT.

Continental model. New apartments in Cherrywood are same. No longer a parking place per apartment.

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What would be a practical example of how it worked? If you had two properties valued at 1m and an income of 100k say how much would you pay every year?

€19,000 or €1,583 per month.

20% exempt on home - €800k
Full hit on second property - €1,000k
Full hit on income - €100k

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Would there be many apartments/co-living spaces for all of these pensioners to move into?

Fuck that’s serious. The 100k fella would be pulling in around what 1200 euro pw after tax?

Don’t know. It looked new is all I can say.

“Down-sizing pensioners are pricing us all out of the affordable housing stock and all that’s on the market are the 5 bed mansions they are moving out of”.


Couldn’t they just move in with their children?

Sure they’ve spent 30 years trying to get rid of the children.


I’d like to see you moving in with @Big_Dan_Campbell nearby.


It seems an obvious extension of our current policies. Maybe they could emigrate, see the world a bit?

Why did I read it in this fellas accent? :grinning:


I am actually looking at houses near where he lives.

I have thought about this issue for a number of years and finally come down on the side of the fence that says no. When you see the way funds are allocated in this country and even in the last week as an example, Horse racing Ireland CEO €190K, Paul Reid over €470K and a chauffeur back to Leitrim at the end of his “working day”, armed around the clock protection for each minister, champagne parties in DFA, a new fence for Stephen Donnelly. Somehow contriving to make us the most indebted country in Europe per capita. The endless and needless waste of money over the last 2 years. For those reasons I think the money should rest in the pockets of the billionaires and hope that some of it ends up in some Philanthropy projects.


Real bang of jealousy about attitudes to older people and their houses. A prudent generation, who didn’t go on foreign holidays, take city breaks, go to the gym, spend 3.20 twice a day on coffees, drove one shit car, drank Guinness or Smithwicks if they drank at all, didn’t do drugs, bought their clothes in Dunnes and now a feckless generation wants to take what they saved a lifetime for off them.


Of course I wasn’t really talking about old people at all. Maybe if you took more drugs and bought yourself the odd nice coffee you wouldn’t be so cranky?

Yip, thems the breaks.

When’s the cruise to the Baltic’s coming up?

