An Irish Wealth Tax

I think it’s ironic that people go on about how sustainable a tax base is but then want to tax “wealth”. Paper wealth means little.

I’ve never had an issue with a second home or inheritance tax but it isn’t popular with any segment of the population.

Taxing ‘other people’ is very popular with the population.


Sure you only have to look at the Fair Deal scheme. The lads running it will tell people how to avoid selling the residents property and still find the FD contribution. The Boomers handing over responsibility for care of their parents to the State keep the Parents home for when they can inherit it.

Barely talked about. Sure there’s a mythical tax pile we can come up with.

You figure it out for yourself!

Just on new money yeah?


Can I self assess my wealth?

Once they stop objecting to them, yes.


Some load of wank there. A generation who by accident of birth happened to be born at the perfect time. Got in before the boom and prospered throughout it. They bought their house when 3 times one person’s modest income would buy a house. They could afford it in their early twenties and as such never got caught in the rental trap for long. And if they couldn’t afford a house the state would build them one.
Now 6 times two peoples income wouldn’t buy you a house in some parts of the country.

Then they got the best pensions, civil servants, Guards, teachers, bank workers etc etc etc gold plated pensions, early retirement the works, and what did they do? They pulled the ladder up behind themselves to protect their lot and let the young people go and fuck for themselves.

What did they do then after feathering their nests? They gutted public spending on housing, privatised the health service etc etc etc. all for short term gains, the cost of fixing which will all fall on the useless millennials.

They are the richest generation in the history of the country and the first generation that will leave it worse for those coming after them.

Would anyone else have done anything different? Of course not. But give yer backs a break from the patting. Had ye been born the same time as the young people ye complain about ye would be in the exact same boat.


Someone pick Fagan up off the floor.


As I say pure unadulterated jealousy.


Says you

Dry your eyes mate


Fact, I saw it with my own parents oul lad was doing night classes and corrections during the summer for the extras, banger of a car, when I was growing up a week in Kilkee or Ballybunion in the summer no foreign holidays whatsoever then from the mid 90s it really started to accumulate. Remember Joe O Toole head of the INTO stating after one pay deal in the late 90s as being akin to an “ATM machine”. Gold plated pension and still is teaching after “retiring” 12 years ago. All public servants of his generation are awash with cash now.

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You’ve just described Finna Fáil there to a tee Michael.

Don’t agree, mate. Look at the interest rates that were there back in the 1980’s. I think every generation has its challenges.

Fair enough inflation looked after everything in the end for the majority of that generation. The same is likely to happen now for those of us lucky enough to own our homes I suppose.

In relation to the OP and a wealth tax. I think its wrong. I’d go further even. For anyone over 65 they should switch off the local property tax for them.

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I’m flying it sure, my house is gone up like billyo since I bought it. Doesn’t mean I think I’m some sort of hard working genius. I was just by accident of my age, in a position to buy a house when, post crash they weren’t as expensive as they are now.

Had I been born ten years earlier I’d have had a €500k apartment in Dublin like a noose around my neck for the last decade plus. Had I been born five years earlier, I’d probably be in Australia. Had I been born 5 years later, I’d be stuck in a rented house for an extra 5 years and eventually would have ended up paying through the nose for a house not in any way worth it, just so I could get out of the trap of paying someone else mortgage

A lot of auld lads confusing their luck with talent


I’m sure it goes without saying that the asset rich, cash poor farmers will have to be exempt from this nonsense. Once this is guaranteed we’ll cease to call it nonsense.

Can’t we just eat the rich?