An Irish Wealth Tax

You brought up GDP when our issue is national debt, largely caused by your generation that Noonan effectively kicked down the road. It was the right thing to do and it was under FF policy that the crash occurred. Using GPD is like having a great Cheltenham qhile the bank is seeking your house its not a good measure.

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Michael Noonan was born in 1943. He’s not of the generation you were bemoaning. The 55-70 generation.

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Noonan did the deal to push the debt created by that generation to be paid when they are all OAPs. These people won’t be burdened by it. But sure we all partied. Now we have a massive generational wealth gap with people their 30s living with their parents and will be paying off that debt their whole working lives without contributing or benefit from it. Entirely selfish. The parents of people in the 50s to 70s category were born into the state at its inception, a state that was among the poorest I the western world and worked for a better life for their children who passed it away and burdened their children. You can say they had it hard in the 80s high interest rates bla bla bla but housing was available at 3 times the industrial wage wjere you could have a single income trade job and afford it. Now you have highly educated well paid jobs and still not able to afford bog standard rent in Dublin let alone buy your own house and have an asset that you are paying off.

But it’s all the fancy coffees and holidays the yoof take is the problem

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Dry your eyes mate and go out and do an honest days work.


Are ye claiming credit for Ireland’s GDP in 2020 now too?

You’ve rattled the Gen X/Y/Z or whatever they call themselves these days @Fagan_ODowd .


During the '80s Ireland was sold as a country with a young well educated workforce. And so we were, but the workforce has dropped now and there’s less young people to prop us up.

I remember in the '80s also when I started to work first in Industry on PAYE. We were taking home about 45% of our gross wage. The tax really was cruel back then.

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Top rate 65% which you hit on 11 grand.

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30k would build a 4 bed bungalow back then

An IRL sticker on a car marked you out as one of the 1 per cent ers.

I’d caution we’ve never had it so good and people have become very complacent about living in a country with full employment and where six figure incomes for families are normal.


And they kept moving the PRSI ceiling up, the bazzards…

They don’t like it up em.