An Irish Wealth Tax

The conversation started when I bought a second hand car and he said get a 151 dacia new on pcp.

Ar least we were over stocked with over priced houses with massive islands

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A kid growing up in 1945 or 1975 was an absolutely massive difference too though. Id say something like 1968 to 1998 saw the least change? TV had already come along and fuck all else.
1780 to 1810 would have been quite similar too tbf.

Not everybody has their own phone. Just their own extension on land line.

Youth culture has slowed down a lot since the early 90s.

1960 to 1990 was a huge difference.

Yeah but I guess what I’m trying to say is that the rate if progression say between the 40s and 70s was not as intense as say between the mid 90s and present day. Progression was geared more toward industrial efficiency after ww2. From the mid 90s onward, it changed utterly

Future Marty couldnt step outside to talk to needles and the jap lad who fired him

Irelands greatest generation. We stayed here and made this country what it is today.


Yet Ireland seems to me more perceptively wealthy than any other country I’ve ever visited bar Switzerland. It blows the UK and the rest of mainland Europe out of the water. What people in Ireland perceive as a reasonable salary is a level above any other country I’ve ever been to. Trouble is, all that wealth finds its’ way into the housing market it seems.


For middle class people it goes into Paschal’s coffers

Billions in debt kicked down the road until you are dead?

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Jesus you just described me and the way I live today.

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The wealth tax should be based on the size of your kitchen island


They are facing catastrophic climate change that we created for them, a lot of them were born into a time when there was a devastating financial crash and their youth was spent when a deadly pandemic swept the world

Grrrrrrrr , we had it so hard compared to them

Yeah but they have them indoor soft play centres in fairness

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I don’t know how ye do it.

The poles must be an awful shower of useless cunts if we’re so much richer than them

GDP isn’t a reflection on debt. Our GDP is highly inflated by money being booked here by tech firms. The French are not particularly happy about that as we know

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If you are explaining you’re losing.