Andy Burton should be fed to the dogs

That is all.

Why, sure we won’t see him again til August 31th…If anything them fucking apes lepping up and down outside the Emirates stadium should be fed to the dogs…

I might compose an email/poem stating what a dick he is and send it into

Andy Burton on his phone
Out in the snow and all alone
For deadline deals he’s on the hunt
Andy Burton he’s a cunt

[quote=“Sledgehammer”]Andy Burton on his phone
Out in the snow and all alone
For deadline deals he’s on the hunt
Andy Burton he’s a cunt[/quote]

Nice one - send it in to the above address. :smiley:

Let’s make up a load of them and keep sending them in.

Andy Burton should be shot with a ball of his own shit.

Whether it’s Keane, Arshavin or Santa Cruz,
Andy Burton’s there to bring us news,
With his smug head and gormless grin,
I’d love to kick his fat head in.

Just sent on my effort :smiley:

Pens and paper and mobile phones,
Rumours, transfers, season long loans,
Tell Andy Burton we don’t give a a shite,
About Stoke and Hull signing cunts tonight.

Good effort Bandage, I think the word cunt really needs to be in there for maximum shock value. Are you sending yours in?

I sent the first one in but I’m not happy with the second one.

I’ll send this effort in now:

Countdown clock, excited tones,
Transfer news on Andy’s phones,
Window slams shut, end of the month,
Andy Burton is a cunt.

The weather’s shite
And he’s bearing the brunt
But try as he might
he’s still a cunt


There is a young man on Sky Sports,
Who does all the transfer reports,
With mobiles a buzzing,
and gossip to be discussing,
I’d vote him my cunt of the month.

[quote=“Fran”]There is a young man on Sky Sports,
Who does all the transfer reports,
With mobiles a buzzing,
and gossip to be discussing,
I’d vote him my cunt of the month.[/quote]

You nearly get the gist of Limericks Fran :stuck_out_tongue:


Andy Burton is a wanker
Hes all the class of Carsten Jancker
Stands around looking all confused
As he reports for Sky Sports News
He lures the viewer into a trap
With info thats a load of crap
Its all a great big cunning stunt
Andy Burton you are a cunt

Great effort Sid

Ahoy! I see a wanker spurtin’
Over there beside the curtain,
No, it is but a gnome
yapping on a mobile phone,
Check it out, tis’ Andy Burton.

Some fantastic efforts there lads, well done. Any get air time?

Breaking me hole laughing at this poems lads. Very good. Andy Burton is indeed some cunt