Another US shooting

Jesus that’s brutal

You’d think without much hassle they could up the age to 23 to own riffles and hand guns but no

Self awareness has never been your strongpoint.

Make all handguns and all large calibres available only to 25+ is an excellent idea. Very hard to get a calm consensus in the twitter era but the critical mass from these shootings just might. There needs to be more public figures than gun owners respect advocating measures, not morons who shriek and signal everyday about everything.

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The answer is to erode access over many years.

Of course. Restrict access piece by piece while upping training, refresher courses etc and then aside from that improving mental health services. Have to figure out what drives these acts and tackle that. Until then do everything to lessen the chances.

Making every gun vanish into thin air next Tuesday is not a real possibility.

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Someone summed it up on one of the radio shows today. " You can’t buy booze in the states at 18 but you can buy guns"

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Sounds like Baseball has had enough of Tucker Carlsons America


They were too busy outside pepper spraying parents.

I recall reading an article a few years ago about police killings in America and one of the reasons given was they took no chances with their own lives and shooting a lad dead was the safest option.

It seems here that the big hats they wear in Texas are matched by a big yellow streak

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What if there’s a fire?


The real odd part is that they are actually a police swat team who are supposedly highly trained to deal with exactly these kind of incidents and it took a border patrol agent to take your man out. A border patrol agent wouldn’t have had nothing like the specialised training these people had. My guess is they knew this fella had 2 high powered rifles and wanted no hand, act or part in it. Cowards.

Far be it from me to defend American police but I wouldn’t necessarily brand anybody as a coward for not voluntarily putting themselves in the line of fire of a monster with an AR-15.

The fact that you are focussing on the “cowardice” of police just sums up the preposterousness of so much “debate” around gun murders in America.

The problem is not the “cowardice” of police in instances like this (though American police have proved themselves to be cowards during many other high profile “incidents” we all know about and which are far too numerous to mention).

The problem is the availability of guns.

Then you have to ask the obvious follow up question.

Why are guns so available?

Guns are so available because the NRA, the Republican Party and their associated mass propaganda machine, which totally dominates US media, exist. And these people are, to all intents and purposes, fascists and Nazis.

No negotiation is possible with them. They exist to block any and all reform of gun safety laws.

History has shown us that no negotiation is ever possible with fascists and Nazis. They cannot be reasoned with.

I laugh wryly to myself at dimwits here who think fascists and Nazis can be reasoned with. Then again these same dimwits have built whole personas around the idea that these fascists and Nazis are not fascists and Nazis but reasonable people.

History demonstrates you can never reason with fascists and Nazis. You have to rout them. You cannot “go high” when they “go low”.

At this stage it appears to me there probably is little option but for liberals, left wingers and basically anybody who wants any kind of decent society in the US in which mass gun murders are not a regular occurrence, to form their own political pressure group and armed militia, to take on the gun nuts on their territory, to demonstrate the total absurdity of the current situation. To do what the Black Panther Party did in the 1960s and threaten the fuck out them and make them scared for their lives.

When the Black Panthers armed themselves, white people everywhere lost the plot. Ronald Reagan promptly brought in the most draconian gun laws in the US.

So why don’t liberals get organised and start arming themselves with AR-15s? Why not form militias to go on open carry demonstrations and demonstrate they are armed within the law?

Why not hold open carry demonstrations outside the homes of every pro-gun politician and media figure in the US?

Get 50 or 100 people with AR-15s or the most damaging gun legally allowable, and demonstrate outside the homes of Donald Trump or Tucker Carlson or Greg Abbott or whoever. Follow them around. Demonstrate at NRA conferences. The same NRA conferences which ban guns. Don’t give the bastards a moment’s peace.

Don’t be outwardly threatening, but at the same time be very outwardly threatening, nudge, nudge, wink, wink. Put it firmly into the heads of these people that they are right in the firing line. They’ve been happy to put everybody else in the firing line.

I don’t advocate killing people, far from it, but if for argument’s sake, Tucker Carlson and his family were slaughtered outside their home by somebody with an AR-15, I would be very interested to see what the reaction would be.

Again, I do not advocate that, I think that would be a very bad thing (although slightly less bad than when it happens to ordinary innocent people), but it’s an interesting thought experiment. The hero of the gun nuts slaughtered by armed anti-gun protestors. There are all sorts of contradictions in the idea, but maybe some gun nuts might start realising that guns are bad? Probably not, but anyway.

And if all that sounds a bit over the top, well, maybe it is, but maybe it’s time the Nazis that are poisoning America and getting very rich in doing so felt some of the pain or at least extreme fear that they have decided to unleash?

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Single point of entry. Multiple points of egress

Normalising guns is sick.

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They should arm the poh-lice.

That Greg Abbott is an absolute shit of a man. Going mental crazy blaming the cops today, delighted he can use the cops to deflect from himself.

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