Another US shooting

Bad people saying bad things has consequences shock #2749282.

A mentally disturbed lone wolf - terrible to see, if only he had gotten help, poor young fellow.

Oh and rest in peace to the other victims, I guess.

Ah you gotta love Goldie. Me and Mrs J used to belt out a fine rendition of Soap Bar.

Iā€™m just gonna leave this tweet here

Greg will double down.

They can ban abortions and they can ban books and they can ban accurate teachings of history but they wonā€™t ban guns.

What a place.

A failed state. Itā€™s politics entirely captured by corporations

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Fucking hell thatā€™s horrific.

America decided those dead children were crisis actors.

Well, a lot of America did, at any rate.

As it did with the children in Parkland and as it will with these dead children.

I think my first consciousness of a news story was when some wacko went into a McDonalds in San Diego and shot up the whole place. It was around the time of the 1984 Olympics.

My impression is these things used to be shocking back then.

Well thatā€™s not true at all. Some Qanon headcases did and some Alex Jones disciples did and even he has since retracted that. Once again you ruin any good points you have by peppering them with clear and obvious lies. The biggest stance to overcome is the widely held belief for a lot of Americans that the answer is more guns or arming teachers and not that these horrible incidents arenā€™t actually happening which is a belief held by very few Americans proportionally.

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15 dead is the number, but itā€™s just another number at this stage, weā€™re numb to it. The reality the survivors will live with isnā€™t possible to comprehend.

Iā€™ve friends and family with kids in US schools. Every day they live with this possibility. Whatā€™s a fucking broken country.


Except that itā€™s true. You hate the truth.

Ok so America decided that Sandy Hook was fake.

Good man.

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Very sad, RIP. God Bless them.

You got offended because you donā€™t like a bit of truth.

Good man.

The mental gymnastics that will prevail at that meeting will be something to behold. Such a fucked up country.