Has anyone had any problems seeing or connecting to the forum this morning? Bandage contacted me to say he can’t find it on his screen but he’s never been very IT savvy so it may just be his ineptitude.
First post on the new forum, must of been up all night finishing it off Rock.
Is there a way to change the display name as in the old forum? Thought it was going to be username and not name that appeared as display name, hense me being DT as apposed to Timofte on the old forum. Can get over it anyway. Ball Ox will be devastated if you cant!
Like the busy option at top of screen. Was thinking is it possible to have a busy status for each member as apposed to being online all the time? I suspect some people leave the window open and will be logged in all day but not active due to work etc and a busy option like MSN or whatever might be good.
PS. Any chance of getting my post count reinstated?
I can change your display name for you - I think. Don’t think it’s possible to set it yourself. Let me know if you want to just Timofte so.
Not really sure what you mean by the second option - I don’t use MSN. Is it for the list of who’s online at the moment? So you’re basically saying that if you leave the window open you don’t want to be on the lsit as “online?”
I think your status will change if you’re inactive for 15 minutes but it will probably just go to “offline” and not to “busy.” I’ll look into it though.
Changing your post count in a minute.
If you could change my display name that would be great Rock. Not sure if others have made the same mistake as me? Might be worth putting in brackets beside where you enter name, explaining that this will be the display name, on the registration page.
Think my other suggestion was probably more relevant to the old forum where beside every post it said “user online” or “user offline” and I though it might be good to have option to select like “busy” or could put some funny ones in like “gone for a wiz” or “at Boozy lunch” etc. etc. Maybe something for you to consider down the line when you get everything else sorted.
As someone else mentioned the forum does seem a little slower than the old one.
Thanks for updating my post count.
yes i am having problems