
Thats a shocker from @anon32894817

The iPhone 11 isnā€™t a huge upgrade on my current Xs. Couldnā€™t fault the Xs to be fair.

In fairness, itā€™s not unlike him to bet on the wrong horse and be a grand down :smiley:

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There is a fella above in Gurtymadden with a tumour the size of a turnip hanging out the side of his hip. Iā€™d say twas the phone wot dunnit.

I have a big wad of cash burning a hole in my pocket after a trip west to askeaton to pick some money from the local bookie.

anyway itā€™s only 1k.


More cash than a tinker

Cash is King

In fairness I fairly togged it when I came on a check point. Thankfully they waved me through.

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All these clowns with their Apple wallet and such bollocks.

Those clowns are the future of our little nation

Theyā€™ll do fuck all.

The tenner ruins it.


I wipe my arse with tenners.

lads who go around with the phone in their breast pocket, tumours growing inside in their chest, as for the boys with the Bluetooth headphones, jesus, you would want to be mentally retarded to use Bluetooth headphones, cancerous tumours growing inside your skull

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The incessant frequency of the Bluetooth waves alllow them to penetrate the cell wall and make a mess of the electrons around the cells structure. Lads with wireless headsets are playing Russian roulette with their mental and physical health.

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I can see it the gym nearly every day, it is having a bad effect on people


Thatā€™s what happened me Toss. I had a mental break down for a finish. You couldnā€™t tune out from the world. I do an hour in the morning and two hours with the phone off. I havenā€™t been happier in ages.

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turn the phone off when you go to bed, no electronic equipment in the room, the microwaves from the wifi destroy your sleep pattern



I love the auld Apple phones but Iā€™ll hang on for the 12