Are there any Barcelona fans on here?

Can I get a hell yeah?

Hell yyeaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh :barcasmile:

Signing in

:barcasmile: :barcasmile: :barcasmile:

:barcasmile: :clap:

Ohhh yeah!!!

We are not for moving.

Signing In

never realised you were right wing

Boooyakkkaaaaaa… :clap: :clap: :clap: :barcasmile: :barcasmile: :barcasmile: :barcasmile: :pint: :pint:


Hello :clap: :clap: :barcasmile: :barcasmile: :barcasmile:

Move over.

Very sad what’s happening at this great club. Messi basically took control of the squad over the past few weeks. Apparently he ordered the manager to give them a few days off and the manager got sacked over it.


Have you a link for this?

Good one

Heading to a game there sunday night. Anyone been? Any recommendations? In Catalonia i will be known as El Footixo


Ramblas, keep your money in your sock


Theres panic stations in the whatsapp group over pickpockets. The latest story is seven lads who went over from galway last year and all got done

Was there about 12 years ago. Saw Ronaldinho and co. It’s an incredible stadium. Not massively atmospheric but imposing in its own way. Go in early and see the place fill up. And don’t be in a hurry away from it cos the streets/metro etc will be absolutely mobbed

Is there pubs around? Will try get the NFL after