Arise, Sir Boris

jesus when will this nightmare end?

I would be very dubious of that.

I’d prefer to be at home

I always find it amusing when lads are put out that people in positions of power receive special treatment. Do you think they’ll let Luke from Leeds in ahead of the prime minister?

The patients

June bank holiday.

I’d have to look at it again as I did read it but I know from my daily deep dive on the Danish numbers that the numbers on respirators is lower than ICU. Not 50% certainly but lower.

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Once he’s out of the woods, they should chuck him in a padded cell for a few months.

he’s not going to make it man, whatever you think about him, no one deserves to die


The critical care unit is the best place for him. Medical staff can give Johnson the best possible care while simultaneously issuing him with a stern rebuke for trying to destroy the NHS.

That’s Denmark mate, where ICU may mean an entirely different thing.

I just skimmed the most recent ICNARC report for the UK and it just is not the case that all people in ICUs need one. Stop telling porkies.

Boris’s ploy to feign illness to stay out of the limelight while this disease was rampant will look very stupid now that we’ve beaten this.

What Boris needs to do now is die on Friday and rise miraculously on Sunday morning. That would win the next election for him, which is what he cares about.


I was having another look at this earlier and noticed that the man announcing the results of the heave was Senator Jim McKiernan, thick Cavan accent on him.

UK acting PM Dominic Raab is up. He assures us that Boris has not, as yet, been subject to any non invasive treatment. Raab is very nervous looking bless him
