@balbec did you ever hear the old joke about the Polish lad who got the 3 wishes off the genie in the bottle and wished for a Chinese invasion?
I don’t get it
That’s a cracker in fairness
Its how you tell 'em
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I’d like it explained to me
Polish humor is very bleak
Is that the nest
I always thought they lived in a bush or something.
It’s like a midlands house. Ostentatious, not practical and a sore thumb.
They come back every year from Egypt to the same nest. Those yokes are years old.
A few heavy cartridges would take care of that.
Stick to your crows
Jesus. That’s fair bleak
Little house on the gulag
None. Bar 1,5 metres separation in offices and masks indoors eg shops.
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It’s a lovely looking country. Polish people seem really decent to me.