Are Villa in danger of going down if they lose tonight? They’re really struggling at the moment and while Carew has been decent for them, none of the other signings really seem to be working out.
Just looked at the table there:
11 Newcastle 31 7 5 4 23 18 3 2 10 11 22 -6 37
12 Middlesbrough 31 8 3 4 21 16 1 6 9 11 22 -6 36
13 Man City 30 5 4 6 10 13 5 2 8 13 21 -11 36
14 Fulham 31 6 6 4 15 14 1 8 6 17 31 -13 35
15 Aston Villa 30 6 5 4 15 12 1 8 6 14 23 -6 34
16 Wigan 31 5 3 7 14 20 4 3 9 16 25 -15 33
17 Sheff Utd 31 5 6 4 18 17 3 1 12 7 28 -20 31
18 Charlton 31 7 3 6 18 17 1 3 11 11 32 -20 30
19 West Ham 31 6 2 8 19 21 1 3 11 6 30 -26 26
20 Watford 31 2 7 7 13 21 1 4 10 6 26 -28 20
Yeah, they’re on the slide alright. Dunno what the various run-ins are like but only for the start when they went 7 or 8 unbeaten Villa would be in dire straits.
Haven’t seen any of their games since Carew joined but I can’t imagine that he has played well considering he is shit
They were the last team to lose in the Premiership this season (beaten by Liverpool at H’alloween) and look at them now. Just saw where they won tonight though
Think they have suffered from having a very small squad
I thought they drew? I’m really bad at watching football if I got that wrong. I genuinely wasn’t paying much attention - I had a website to fix after all - but I’m pretty sure it was a draw.
Carew has been excellent for them from what I’ve seen.
Yeah they did - I just caught the end there with the equaliser and assumed they had won it due to the celebrations.
Carew is shit - and hateful - and Norwegian
Lambert gets the bullet. You can come back now @KIB man
Tiger Tim in the job just 24 hours and already leaving his imprint - Villa just three games away now from ending a 58 year famine to win the biggest trophy in the club game.
You do realise he had nothing to do with picking the team etc today?
He gave the half time team talk. It was 0-0 at half-time, it was 2-1 at full time.
Tiger Tim, Tiger Tim
Does whatever Tiger Tim does
Can he build a good football team
Yes he can, he’s Tiger Tim
Was supposed to be a watching brief only today but he left the directors box at HT and went to the dressing room where he gave the teamtalk and changed the tactics. Given came out and said it after the game. The difference in the set up first half and second half was night and day. The first half was exactly as Lambert had set them up all season. As a side note, a great display by Shaysie, still got it at 39.
With Spurs having checked out of this season a few weeks back, I’m going to adopt Aston Villa as my favourite other team for the next few weeks. A relegation battle and a Cup Final ahead. What an exciting few weeks in store.
Great day for Call Me Dave. Could give the Tories a real boost in the election campaign even if Villa Park is in a solid Labour seat.
Indeed. Sir William Dugdale’s nephew will be most happy about how the day unfolded at the Empire Stadium.
Less so about the two dropped points in the Tory safe seat of Bournemouth yesterday though. The Observer was noting this morning that displays of local sports teams can impact on local politicians fortunes. Its notable that Norwich North, Norwich South, Ipswich and Watford are all key marginals. The Championship promotion race gets more brutal by the day.
Mind you, the last time an incumbent Tory Prime Minister saw his team triumph on FA Cup semi final day during an election campaign in 1997, things didn’t work out too well on polling day a few weeks later.