Astronomy and Space related matters thread

A lot like posting here really.


How was space created, ever wonder that? What was there before space ? Something must have created it surely

The short answer is we don’t know. It’s the same question as pondering time, what if anything happened before the Big Bang? The answer as far as we know or can know is nothing, there was no space-time so no concept as before.

“Reality is not just stranger than we imagine, it’s stranger than we can imagine”.

It was and is created still by the big bang

Who lit the fuse ?


It’s a meaningless question, whatever happened at the instant of the Big Bang is beyond our knowledge.

Multiple universes.

Somewhere in another dimension there is another tfk forum where other @ChocolateMice is having an existentialist crisis before his wedding.

Know when to seek and when to let go pal.

I hear you brother…all we know about is the big bang, that’s the start apparently. The earth was flat ffs. we know fuck all about the universe and its mindboggling stuff.

It’d do your head in if you were to keep thinking about it. Everyone says the big bang was the start, but there must have been something there to cause the big bang aswell

great thread fitzy… Saturn in general & titan are fascinating

that’s my thinking also… just “happened” there is science behind it but science will evolve and have more/different theories.

The idea that things have to have a cause is a feature of our brains (due to evolution), and may have no basis in ultimate reality. All we can say is that the space and time we experience was created after the big bang, any “cause” of the big bang is outside our experience and may never be available to us. All we can really due is speculate, multiple universes, cyclical universe, God, etc.

What’s your best bet ?

The Big Bang was “the game” booting up.

a gamechanger

The big bang gave rise to one experience - the universe as we know it. Where that experience sits in the flow of all experiences, who the fuck knows… it’s always been the human condition to think that we are at the centre of everything that has ever happened… it has all been for us… We could be a bi product of some event in the real realm of existence that created this finite shit hole we exist in.


I haven’t a notion, and the finest minds in history truly have no answers. I don’t spend much time thinking about it, as at the end of the day its a waste of time, although it’s fun to read about our various speculations.


What do you mean who? Ffs

“What” is a better term, but regardless of the specifics of our speculations, you create an infinite regress problem. Infinity isn’t a concept humans can wrap their heads around as everything we experience is finite.