I had a telescope but gave it away as it made me dizzy using it.
I kept seeing stars….
I had a telescope but gave it away as it made me dizzy using it.
I kept seeing stars….
I actually did give one away a few years ago on FreeCycle. There was a girl looking for one for a stage performance.
She text me a few days later and asked me could I come over and assemble it for her.
I politely made my excuses…
The wife was giving me funny looks.
A good way to pass the time while waiting in the bushes to catch a few teenagers up to no good. You’ll see nothing in the city though. The middle of nowhere is your only man.
I’m right on the edge of country so wouldn’t have too far if i decided to proper get into it… But my army grade binoculars while waiting in the bushes are not a bad start for getting a feel for it.
You’d be surprised even in rural areas how much light pollution there is. If you want to get proper into it you’ll need to get acquainted with the Bortle Scale:
The home place is a couple of miles from the nearest proper village, twenty years ago it was pitch black at night but now between lights put in along the road and exterior lights for a nearby business you wouldn’t see half as much. In Ireland the fringes of the west coast would be the only places you could really escape light pollution, the middle of the Iveragh peninsula, parts of Connemara, the Nephin wilderness.
The sun has a strange hazy orange this evening.
Apparently linked to smoke from the Canadian wildfires
The moon has been quite orange for a few nights also… I was thinking it’s one of them blud moons innit, but the internet says we’re not due one for another month fam.