Athletics Thread

McPhilips and English both qualify for 800m semi final

English either felt a muscle or ran on track barrier. He was lucky to qualify after looking comfortable. McPhilips looked easy

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This kid looks like he could be a proper big deal, cool as a breeze in the toughest event of all

Yeah he looks real deal.

Fitzsimons out.

Not for the want of trying in fairness, he gave it a right go

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Real strength in depth in Irish athletics at moment.

Can’t beat championship running. It’s a contact sport.

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English ok. Just lost his balance he said. Hard being interviewed out of breath in a mask in fairness to the chap.

Looks like he gassed a bit at end. We shall see

The dark green and navy kit is class :heart_eyes:

Any more irish on tonight

Try TG4


That was a lovely piece. He was a gem of an analyst.

Only Ted Walsh and Gary O Toole of that standard left on RTE.

That was a lovely 90 mins of athletics.

Sharlene Mawdsley :ok_hand::ok_hand:

1500m final coming up at 8.25

Who have we in that?

Andrew Coscoran and Paul Robinson

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Up Tipp

3000m women up now.
Lads should watch it to compare to their recent 5km runs

Watching them come out there now I don’t see anyone carrying and extra 2 stone, not to mind the shoes.



2:56 km

Dutch one got royally mugged off there after trying to bring a bit of physicality