Athletics Thread

Building a house.

Rowing, sailing and I think there’s a young gymnastics lad very good too?

Forgot about rowing how are the two boys going these days seem to have slipped off the radar

That’s harsh, the Europeans are the big chance for Irish athletes in general, an Olympic medalist isn’t gonna appear by magic

I’d have no issue with Cork people in general, but Heffernan is some stones.

My innate misogyny makes me instinctively dislike derval as she’s so sure of herself but she’s actually not the worst

Not being harsh at all was merely wondering as to where they would stand in the World

Dervals grand, again, there’s lads who’ll have issues with her because she’s from Cork but that’s unfair IMO.

Fixed for you

Yeah you’d imagine we’d be doing well to get another Sonia within our lifetimes

College Court ruined him

What’s the deal with the Gillick interviews? When he asks a question the screen has a different look to when it pans to the athlete. Is someone else asking the questions and he’s just pretending he is or something? There’s always a lad in the background when it’s on Gillicks screen but he’s not there then when the athlete is answering.

A nice fella by all accounts, but he offers nothing here.

There was a sprinter a few years back who was good on analysis. Fairly sure she was married to Bryan Cullen the Dublin footballer.

Ailis McSweeney?

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Was that Ailish McSweeney?
I don’t think they’ll be able to replace Jerry Kiernan, Rob is too positive, too much of a fan, though he does know his stuff, there’s no long stuff at these championships which is where you feel he’d be more relevant, those are the athletes he’s involved in training.

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Agree, Kiernan is irreplaceable with his mix of knowledge, honesty and cantankerous personality. He more than likely carried previous analysis panels.

You’re right also about Heffernan trying to be too nice. It’s just his nature.


McPhilips ran faster a few weeks ago but to it was not a record as a record needs certain anti doping protocols to be ratified

Heffernan did make a good point. That Norwegian lad who waltzed in last night is only 20. We shouldn’t get giddy just because of his age. We’ve a ridiculous fall off rate when lads get to their 20s because of the lack of support. Nothing is guaranteed. Hopefully this lad is an exception though

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Very true. In fact a lot of these lads peak early 20s. The training then takes its toll and they get injured and career is disjointed.

It also becomes diminishing returns. It’s very hard to go from 1:46 800m runner to 1:44. It’s a chasm really. The Irish record is there since 1995 - matthews on commentary tonight holds it. He was 21 when he ran that.


In short it’s a young man’s game? Can never understand these real long standing Irish records. Surely with modern training methods equipment etc times should always be improved